Schools in Tatempa (Atzalan, Veracruz)
Where to study in Tatempa? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in classroom hours or computers. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Veracruz.
Where to study in the Municipality of Atzalan.
The towns of Atzalan have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
- Acatitán (274 inhabitants)
- Agua Santa (90 inhabitants)
- Ahuateno (575 inhabitants)
- Almanza (598 inhabitants)
- Cerro de Barreras (183 inhabitants)
- Cuauzapotitán (567 inhabitants)
- El Fortín (223 inhabitants)
- El Olvido (286 inhabitants)
- El Río Bobos (El Filo) (19 inhabitants)
- Ictzictic (584 inhabitants)
- Mirador II (57 inhabitants)
- Ojo de Agua (65 inhabitants)
- Pino Solo (39 inhabitants)
- Rancho Nuevo (280 inhabitants)
- Xochtita (43 inhabitants)
Tatempa, Elementary Education (Preschool Conafe)
Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)School hours: Morning