Schools in Tararancito (Sinaloa)
We have many schools in Tararancito (Sinaloa). Browse through the list below to analyze educational platform or classroom hours and make a good choice for your children's school.
Find out about the best schools in the Choix Municipality.
From these localities of the municipality of Choix children attend the following schools.
- Buyubampo (190 inhabitants)
- Cuchicari (- inhabitants)
- El Chapote (- inhabitants)
- El Chapote (3 inhabitants)
- El Embarcadero (69 inhabitants)
- El Palmar (La Ladrillera) (8 inhabitants)
- El Retancito (3 inhabitants)
- La Vainilla (6 inhabitants)
- Las Guayabas (117 inhabitants)
- Las Joyitas (5 inhabitants)
- Las Juntas (9 inhabitants)
- Los Cauques (24 inhabitants)
- Paparique (5 inhabitants)
- San Javier (785 inhabitants)
- Subilimayo (20 inhabitants)