Schools in San Francisco Sacachichilco (Hidalgo)

The education in the town of San Francisco Sacachichilco is of high quality, and physical education or distance education must be taken into account. Schools in the State of Hidalgo.

Find out about the best schools in the Alfajayucan Municipality.

From these localities of the municipality of Alfajayucan children attend the following schools.
  1. Boxthó (590 inhabitants)
  2. Cerro Azul (342 inhabitants)
  3. Cuarta Manzana Doxtha (199 inhabitants)
  4. Deca (464 inhabitants)
  5. El Doydhe (181 inhabitants)
  6. El Zapote (Fontezuelas) (95 inhabitants)
  7. Huixthéy (22 inhabitants)
  8. La Noria (89 inhabitants)
  9. La Vega (633 inhabitants)
  10. La Venta (76 inhabitants)
  11. Los Hornos (1 inhabitants)
  12. Milpa Grande (68 inhabitants)
  13. San Agustín Tlalixticapa (327 inhabitants)
  14. Xamagé (863 inhabitants)
  15. Yonthe Grande (317 inhabitants)

Agustin Melgar, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 42390

Escudo Nacional, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Frente Al Panteon
Postal Code: 42390

Telesecundaria 599, Elementary Education (Distance Education For High Schools)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 42390
