Schools in Salitre Santa Bárbara (Santa Bárbara) (Estado de México)

Students or physical education are important when choosing a school in Salitre Santa Bárbara (Santa Bárbara) (Estado de México). Get all the facts.

Where to study in the Municipality of Amatepec.

Find out the localities of Amatepec from where the children go to school.
  1. Acatempan (45 inhabitants)
  2. Aviación (Campo de Aviación) (384 inhabitants)
  3. Barranca del Veladero (9 inhabitants)
  4. Coahuilotes Matuz (- inhabitants)
  5. Cuadrilla Nueva (204 inhabitants)
  6. El Fresno (237 inhabitants)
  7. El Panteón de San Felipe de Jesús (115 inhabitants)
  8. El Rancho (541 inhabitants)
  9. Los Ciruelos (Rancho los Ciruelos) (11 inhabitants)
  10. Peña Agujerada (69 inhabitants)
  11. Puerto de la Mojonera (27 inhabitants)
  12. Matuz Puerto del Rodeo (103 inhabitants)
  13. San Miguel (San Miguel Zinacausto) (282 inhabitants)
  14. Tamarindo Matuz (5 inhabitants)
  15. Tezululoma (Teshululoma) (22 inhabitants)

Agustin Melgar, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Frente A La Escuela Primaria
Postal Code: 51530
Phone number: 7162984433

Cuauhtemoc, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Address: A 20 Metros Del Kinder
Postal Code: 51530
Phone number: 7162984131
