Schools in Real de Juriquilla (Querétaro)

Schools in Real de Juriquilla (Querétaro), and list of top schools, with data and alumni opinions on educational platform or physical education.

List of educational centers in the Municipality of Querétaro.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Querétaro.
  1. Los Laureles (- inhabitants)
  2. Los Pirules (5 inhabitants)
  3. Conjunto Industrial Luxar (9 inhabitants)
  4. Ejido el Retablo (- inhabitants)
  5. El Durazno (- inhabitants)
  6. El Establo (- inhabitants)
  7. El Zapote (- inhabitants)
  8. Estancia de la Rochera (689 inhabitants)
  9. Sección Este de Santa Rosa (- inhabitants)
  10. Familia Palacios (- inhabitants)
  11. Familia Velázquez (- inhabitants)
  12. Loma del Chino (486 inhabitants)
  13. Los Cuates (15 inhabitants)
  14. San José el Alto (29758 inhabitants)
  15. Sección Sureste de San Miguelito (- inhabitants)

Centro De Investigacion Y De Estudios Avanzados Del Ipn " Unidad Queretaro", Higher Education (Maestria)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Libramiento Norponiente Num. 2000
Postal Code: 76230
Phone number: 014424414948
