Schools in Potrero Grande (Zapotitlán de Vadillo, Jalisco)

We have many schools in Potrero Grande (Jalisco). Browse through the list below to analyze classroom hours or educational platform and make a good choice for your children's school.

Good schools in the Municipality of Zapotitlán de Vadillo.

Numerous localities in Zapotitlán de Vadillo supply the schools with pupils.
  1. El Delgado (- inhabitants)
  2. El Espinal (56 inhabitants)
  3. El Fresno (2 inhabitants)
  4. Huitzometl (La Providencia) (141 inhabitants)
  5. La Parotilla (93 inhabitants)
  6. Las Galeanas (14 inhabitants)
  7. Loma de Guadalupe (Cruz Blanca) (228 inhabitants)
  8. Los Pérez (22 inhabitants)
  9. Nuevo Progreso (105 inhabitants)
  10. Palo de Villa (2 inhabitants)
  11. Paso de Alceseca (Mazatlán) (15 inhabitants)
  12. Potrero Grande (8 inhabitants)
  13. San Isidro (79 inhabitants)
  14. San José del Carmen (795 inhabitants)
  15. Zacalmecatl (59 inhabitants)

Leona Vicario, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 49770
