Schools in Polhó (Chiapas)

Where to study in Polhó? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in distance education or physical education. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Chiapas.

List of educational centers in the Municipality of Chenalhó.

The towns of Chenalhó have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
  1. Ajtic (154 inhabitants)
  2. Bajoveltic (491 inhabitants)
  3. Bajxulum (537 inhabitants)
  4. Caridad San Antonio (724 inhabitants)
  5. El Tzac (67 inhabitants)
  6. Fracción Polhó (364 inhabitants)
  7. Konlumtic (160 inhabitants)
  8. La Esperanza (601 inhabitants)
  9. La Mesa (9 inhabitants)
  10. Las Delicias (400 inhabitants)
  11. Majumchón 2da. Fracción (136 inhabitants)
  12. Nueva Esperanza (164 inhabitants)
  13. Yabteclum Fracción Tres (239 inhabitants)
  14. Yabteclum Fracción Uno (607 inhabitants)
  15. Yaxgemel Unión (590 inhabitants)

Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Polho
Postal Code: 29870

Melchor Ocampo, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Fraccion Polho
Postal Code: 29870
