Schools in Playa Azul (Catemaco, Veracruz)

Schools in Playa Azul (Veracruz), and list of top schools, with data and alumni opinions on teachers or physical education.

In the Municipality of Catemaco there is a high quality of educational centers.

The towns of Catemaco have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
  1. Chencho Cagal (1 inhabitants)
  2. Colonia el Águila (525 inhabitants)
  3. Coxcoapan (632 inhabitants)
  4. Don Arturo (4 inhabitants)
  5. El Chaparral (Los Carreón) (1 inhabitants)
  6. El Porvenir (14 inhabitants)
  7. Gil Valenzuela (- inhabitants)
  8. Isla Tanaspi (Isla Tanaspi) (1 inhabitants)
  9. Los Chaneques (1 inhabitants)
  10. Los Lirios (- inhabitants)
  11. Mario Souza (608 inhabitants)
  12. Mocoapan (2 inhabitants)
  13. Mogar (6 inhabitants)
  14. Santa Catalina (3 inhabitants)
  15. Tepeyaga (18 inhabitants)

Playa Azul, Elementary Education (Preschool Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Morning

Playa Azul, Elementary Education (Elementary Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Morning
