Schools in Paraíso (Huitiupán, Chiapas)

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The children attending these schools come from this list of Huitiupán towns.
  1. Buen Paso (Shoctic) (249 inhabitants)
  2. Carmito Uno (25 inhabitants)
  3. El Ocotal (955 inhabitants)
  4. Guayabal Sinaí (271 inhabitants)
  5. Huitiupán (3508 inhabitants)
  6. La Corona (213 inhabitants)
  7. La Mariposa (179 inhabitants)
  8. Los Tres Ríos (3 inhabitants)
  9. Pabuchilito (18 inhabitants)
  10. Pital Villa Luz (Almandro Viejo) (70 inhabitants)
  11. Rancho Alegre (El Pom) (31 inhabitants)
  12. San Juan el Aguaje (159 inhabitants)
  13. San Pedro Pabuchil Uno (Francisco I. Madero) (216 inhabitants)
  14. Santa Clara (238 inhabitants)
  15. Santa Clara Arroyo Seco (43 inhabitants)

Aquiles Serdan, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Paraiso
Postal Code: 29710

Ignacio Zaragoza, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Dieciocho De Abril
Postal Code: 29710
