Schools in Orizaba (Orizaba, Veracruz)
Where to study in Orizaba? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in computers or teaching quality. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Veracruz.
In the Municipality of Orizaba there is a high quality of educational centers.
Abelardo L. Rodriguez
Abelardo L. Rodriguez
Abraham Castellanos Coronado
Academia Comercial San Juan Farias
Academia Rella
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
Agustina Ramirez
Alma Infantil
Alma Infantil
Amada Beltran Martinez
Amado Nervo
Ana Freud
Antonio I. Villarreal
Antonio I. Villarreal
Bachillerato Abierto
Bachillerato Anglo Frances
Bachillerato Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Orizaba
Bachillerato Ugm Orizaba
Bachilleres Del Valle De Orizaba
Bartolome De Las Casas
Bartolome De Las Casas
Beatriz Velasco De Aleman
Benito Juarez Garcia
Benito Juarez Garcia
Benito Juarez Garcia
Benito Juarez Garcia
Carlos A. Carrillo
Carlos Loyo
Cayetano Rodriguez Beltran
Cayetano Rodriguez Beltran
Centro De Atencion Multiple De Educacion Especial Num. 15
Centro De Bachillerato Tecnologico Industrial Y De Servicios Num. 142
Centro De Capacitacion Para El Trabajo Industrial Num. 170
Centro De Desarrollo Infantil Buhitos
Centro De Desarrollo Infantil Sec Num. 5 Orizaba
Centro De Educacion Especial Para NiÑos De Lento Aprendizaje
Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Madero, S.c.
Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Orizaba, S.c.
Centro De Estudios Tecnologicos Seydel
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c.
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c.
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c.
Centro Educativo Integral Mexico Americano
Centro Educativo Jaime Torres Bodet
Centro Educativo Jaime Torres Bodet
Centro Educativo Obrero
Centro Escolar Revolucion
Centro Escolar Revolucion
Centro Regional De Estudios Orizaba
Centro Universitario Geo
Christiane Magnani De Aleman
Colegio Anglo Frances
Colegio Central
Colegio Champagnat
Colegio Del Golfo De Mexico
Colegio Educativo Guillaumin, S.c.
Colegio Educativo Guillaumin, S.c.
Colegio Lancaster, A.c.
Colegio Mexico
Colegio Mexico
Colegio Mexico, A.c.
Colegio Nacional De Educacion Profesional Tecnica Num. 252 "orizaba"
Colegio Preparatorio De Orizaba
Colegio Vasco De Quiroga
Colegios Clavijero
Colegios Clavijero
Comunidad Morelos
Constitucion De 1857
Coordinacion Estatal De Preparatoria Abierta Federal
Cri Cri
Cristobal Colon
Cultura Y Progreso
Cultura Y Progreso
Diana Guraieb De Roji
Diez De Mayo
Dr. Belisario Dominguez
Dr. German Rueda Magro
Dra. Lourdes Solorzano Y Rivera
Educare Centro De Servicios Educativos, S.c.
Elvira Ochoa De Hernandez
Enrique C. Rebsamen
Enrique Laubscher
Enrique Pestalozzi
Enrique Pestalozzi
Escuela Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c.
Escuela Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c.
Escuela Normal Martha Christlieb
Escuela Superior De Educacion Fisica De Orizaba
Estefania CastaÑeda
Facultad De Ciencias Quimicas
Facultad De Enfermeria
Federal Tipo
Federico Froebel
Federico Miranda Aguilar
Felipe Suberbie
Francisco Gabilondo Soler
Francisco Gabilondo Soler
Francisco Gabilondo Soler
Francisco Gabilondo Soler (nenitos)
Francisco Javier Clavijero
Francisco Xavier Clavijero
Gabino Barreda
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
German Rueda Magro
Graciano Valenzuela
Graciano Valenzuela
Guarderia Participativa Num. 034
Guarderia Participativa Num. 119
Guarderia Participativa Num. 266
Guillermo Prieto
Hermenegildo Galeana
Heroe De Nacozari
Hispano Mexicana De Orizaba, A.c.
Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c.
Ignacio Allende
Ignacio Allende
Ignacio De La Llave
Abelardo L. Rodriguez
Abraham Castellanos Coronado
Academia Comercial San Juan Farias
Academia Rella
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
Agustina Ramirez
Alma Infantil
Alma Infantil
Amada Beltran Martinez
Amado Nervo
Ana Freud
Antonio I. Villarreal
Bachillerato Abierto
Bachillerato Anglo Frances
Bachillerato Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Orizaba
Bachillerato Ugm Orizaba
Bachilleres Del Valle De Orizaba
Bartolome De Las Casas
Bartolome De Las Casas
Beatriz Velasco De Aleman
Benito Juarez Garcia
Benito Juarez Garcia
Benito Juarez Garcia
Benito Juarez Garcia
Carlos A. Carrillo
Carlos Loyo
Cayetano Rodriguez Beltran
Cayetano Rodriguez Beltran
Centro De Atencion Multiple De Educacion Especial Num. 15
Centro De Bachillerato Tecnologico Industrial Y De Servicios Num. 142
Centro De Capacitacion Para El Trabajo Industrial Num. 170
Centro De Desarrollo Infantil Buhitos
Centro De Desarrollo Infantil Sec Num. 5 Orizaba
Centro De Educacion Especial Para NiÑos De Lento Aprendizaje
Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Madero, S.c.
Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Orizaba, S.c.
Centro De Estudios Tecnologicos Seydel
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c.
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c.
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c.
Centro Educativo Integral Mexico Americano
Centro Educativo Jaime Torres Bodet
Centro Educativo Jaime Torres Bodet
Centro Educativo Obrero
Centro Escolar Revolucion
Centro Escolar Revolucion
Centro Regional De Estudios Orizaba
Centro Universitario Geo
Christiane Magnani De Aleman
Colegio Anglo Frances
Colegio Central
Colegio Champagnat
Colegio Del Golfo De Mexico
Colegio Educativo Guillaumin, S.c.
Colegio Educativo Guillaumin, S.c.
Colegio Lancaster, A.c.
Colegio Mexico
Colegio Mexico
Colegio Mexico, A.c.
Colegio Nacional De Educacion Profesional Tecnica Num. 252 "orizaba"
Colegio Preparatorio De Orizaba
Colegio Vasco De Quiroga
Colegios Clavijero
Colegios Clavijero
Comunidad Morelos
Constitucion De 1857
Coordinacion Estatal De Preparatoria Abierta Federal
Cri Cri
Cristobal Colon
Cultura Y Progreso
Cultura Y Progreso
Diana Guraieb De Roji
Diez De Mayo
Dr. Belisario Dominguez
Dr. German Rueda Magro
Dra. Lourdes Solorzano Y Rivera
Educare Centro De Servicios Educativos, S.c.
Elvira Ochoa De Hernandez
Enrique C. Rebsamen
Enrique Laubscher
Enrique Pestalozzi
Enrique Pestalozzi
Escuela Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c.
Escuela Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c.
Escuela Normal Martha Christlieb
Escuela Superior De Educacion Fisica De Orizaba
Estefania CastaÑeda
Facultad De Ciencias Quimicas
Facultad De Enfermeria
Federal Tipo
Federico Froebel
Federico Miranda Aguilar
Felipe Suberbie
Francisco Gabilondo Soler
Francisco Gabilondo Soler
Francisco Gabilondo Soler
Francisco Gabilondo Soler (nenitos)
Francisco Javier Clavijero
Francisco Xavier Clavijero
Gabino Barreda
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei
German Rueda Magro
Graciano Valenzuela
Graciano Valenzuela
Guarderia Participativa Num. 034
Guarderia Participativa Num. 119
Guarderia Participativa Num. 266
Guillermo Prieto
Hermenegildo Galeana
Heroe De Nacozari
Hispano Mexicana De Orizaba, A.c.
Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c.
Ignacio Allende
Ignacio Allende
Ignacio De La Llave
Ignacio De La Llave
Ignacio Gomez Izquierdo
Ignacio Zaragoza
Ing. Ernesto Guraieb Shible
Instituto Alejandria
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c.
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c.
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c.
Instituto Anglo Frances
Instituto Atenas
Instituto Atenas
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Benjamin Franklin
Instituto Bilingue Alejandria, A.c.
Instituto De Estudios Avanzados De Oriente, S.c.
Instituto De Estudios Contables Y Fiscales
Instituto De La Vera Cruz
Instituto De La Veracruz
Instituto De Modas Y DiseÑo Baydan
Instituto Harmon Hall Plantel Orizaba
Instituto Ingles Universal
Instituto Louise Michell
Instituto Maria Franco
Instituto Michell
Instituto Moderno De Computacion De Orizaba
Instituto Obrero Nocturno
Instituto Panamericano De Ingles
Instituto Regional De Cosmetica Y Cosmiatria
Instituto Tecnico Del Golfo De Mexico
Instituto Tecnico Del Golfo De Mexico Plantel Orizaba
Instituto Tecnico Ingles, A.c.
Instituto Tecnologico De "orizaba"
Instituto Tecnologico Y De Ciencias Siglo Xxi
Instituto Veracruz
Instituto Veracruz
Jaime Torres Bodet
Jaime Torres Bodet
Jaime Torres Bodet
Jardin De NiÑos Anglo Frances
Jardin De NiÑos Del Golfo De Mexico
Jesus E. Chahin
Jose Aguilar Gonzalez
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Vasconcelos
Josefa Murillo
Josefa Ortiz De Dominguez
Josefa Ortiz De Dominguez
Juan Escutia
Julio Lopez Silva
Justo Sierra
La Paz
La Paz
Leona Vicario
Leonor Pazos
Librado Rivera
Lic. Benito Juarez Garcia
Lic. Carlos Cardenas Rojas
Lic. Miguel Aleman Velazco
Lic. Miguel Sanchez Oropeza
Lic. Miguel Sanchez Oropeza
Liceo De Orizaba
Luis Gonzalez Gomez
Luis Gonzalez Gomez
Luz Maria Serradel
Maestria En Educacion Basica Orizaba
Manitas Que Trabajan
Manuel I. Llorente
Manuel M. Herrera
Manuel M. Herrera
Manuel Oropeza
Margarita Maza De Juarez
Margarita Maza P. De Juarez
Maria Cortines De Ruiz
Maria Franco
Maria Montessori
Meliton Guzman I. Romero
Meliton Guzman I. Romero
Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla
Miguel Lopez Brito
Moctezuma Ilhuicamina
Modelo Enrique Laubscher
Nicolas Bravo
Oficial Diurna
Oficial Nocturna
Piccolos, S.c.
Primaria Particular Del Valle De Orizaba
Profr. Carlos Gutierrez MuÑoz
Profr. Julio Lopez Silva
Profra. Bertha Lapa De Navarro
Rafael Delgado
Rafael Delgado
Ramon Lopez Velarde
Roberto Owen
Rosario Castellanos
Rosario Guevara De CabaÑas
Rosaura Tobon
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 4
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 84
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 98
Secundaria Y De Bachilleres Oficial A
Silvia Del Carmen Ortiz CastaÑeda
Sistema De EnseÑanza Abierta
Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
Telebachillerato Orizaba
Unidad Regional Upn 304 Orizaba
Universidad Del Golfo De Mexico, A.c. Campus Orizaba
Universidad Del Valle De Orizaba
Ursulo Galvan
Valentin Gomez Farias
Valle De Orizaba
Venustiano Carranza
Venustiano Carranza
Venustiano Carranza
Vicente Guerrero
Ignacio Gomez Izquierdo
Ignacio Zaragoza
Ing. Ernesto Guraieb Shible
Instituto Alejandria
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c.
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c.
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c.
Instituto Anglo Frances
Instituto Atenas
Instituto Atenas
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c.
Instituto Benjamin Franklin
Instituto Bilingue Alejandria, A.c.
Instituto De Estudios Avanzados De Oriente, S.c.
Instituto De Estudios Contables Y Fiscales
Instituto De La Vera Cruz
Instituto De La Veracruz
Instituto De Modas Y DiseÑo Baydan
Instituto Harmon Hall Plantel Orizaba
Instituto Ingles Universal
Instituto Louise Michell
Instituto Maria Franco
Instituto Michell
Instituto Moderno De Computacion De Orizaba
Instituto Obrero Nocturno
Instituto Panamericano De Ingles
Instituto Regional De Cosmetica Y Cosmiatria
Instituto Tecnico Del Golfo De Mexico
Instituto Tecnico Del Golfo De Mexico Plantel Orizaba
Instituto Tecnico Ingles, A.c.
Instituto Tecnologico De "orizaba"
Instituto Tecnologico Y De Ciencias Siglo Xxi
Instituto Veracruz
Instituto Veracruz
Jaime Torres Bodet
Jaime Torres Bodet
Jaime Torres Bodet
Jardin De NiÑos Anglo Frances
Jardin De NiÑos Del Golfo De Mexico
Jesus E. Chahin
Jose Aguilar Gonzalez
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon
Jose Vasconcelos
Josefa Murillo
Josefa Ortiz De Dominguez
Josefa Ortiz De Dominguez
Juan Escutia
Julio Lopez Silva
Justo Sierra
La Paz
La Paz
Leona Vicario
Leonor Pazos
Librado Rivera
Lic. Benito Juarez Garcia
Lic. Carlos Cardenas Rojas
Lic. Miguel Aleman Velazco
Lic. Miguel Sanchez Oropeza
Lic. Miguel Sanchez Oropeza
Liceo De Orizaba
Luis Gonzalez Gomez
Luis Gonzalez Gomez
Luz Maria Serradel
Maestria En Educacion Basica Orizaba
Manitas Que Trabajan
Manuel I. Llorente
Manuel M. Herrera
Manuel M. Herrera
Manuel Oropeza
Margarita Maza De Juarez
Margarita Maza P. De Juarez
Maria Cortines De Ruiz
Maria Franco
Maria Montessori
Meliton Guzman I. Romero
Meliton Guzman I. Romero
Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla
Miguel Lopez Brito
Moctezuma Ilhuicamina
Modelo Enrique Laubscher
Nicolas Bravo
Oficial Diurna
Oficial Nocturna
Piccolos, S.c.
Primaria Particular Del Valle De Orizaba
Profr. Carlos Gutierrez MuÑoz
Profr. Julio Lopez Silva
Profra. Bertha Lapa De Navarro
Rafael Delgado
Rafael Delgado
Ramon Lopez Velarde
Roberto Owen
Rosario Castellanos
Rosario Guevara De CabaÑas
Rosaura Tobon
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 4
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 84
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 98
Secundaria Y De Bachilleres Oficial A
Silvia Del Carmen Ortiz CastaÑeda
Sistema De EnseÑanza Abierta
Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz
Telebachillerato Orizaba
Unidad Regional Upn 304 Orizaba
Universidad Del Golfo De Mexico, A.c. Campus Orizaba
Universidad Del Valle De Orizaba
Ursulo Galvan
Valentin Gomez Farias
Valle De Orizaba
Venustiano Carranza
Venustiano Carranza
Venustiano Carranza
Vicente Guerrero
Find out the localities of Orizaba from where the children go to school.
- Venustiano Carranza (Colonia Unión AgrÃcola) (61 inhabitants)
- El Vaquero (6 inhabitants)
- La Piedra (- inhabitants)
- Orizaba (120500 inhabitants)
- Ricardo Mencias (- inhabitants)
- Vicente Guerrero (18 inhabitants)
- Villas de la Hacienda (2597 inhabitants)
Abelardo L. Rodriguez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 4 S/n (Oriente 33, Oriente 35)
Postal Code: 94310
Abelardo L. Rodriguez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 4 (Oriente 33, Oriente 35)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727216203
Abraham Castellanos Coronado, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: 20 De Noviembre Num. 1
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727272596
Academia Comercial San Juan Farias, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Sur 5 Num. 627
Postal Code: 94300
Academia Rella, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 9 Num. 70
Phone number: 2727256072
Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 1 Lote 13
Postal Code: 94380
Phone number: 7253650
Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 3 Y Poniente S/n (U. Hab. Fidel V., El Trebol)
Postal Code: 94450
Phone number: 2727212426
Agustina Ramirez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 8 Y Sur 13
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727242668
Ahauializapan, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Manzana 8 Modulo Social Fovissste
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727254547
Ahauializapan, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Manzana 8 Modulo Social Fovissste
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727841768
Alma Infantil, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte Num. 3 Esquina Poniente 7
Postal Code: 94348
Alma Infantil, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 12 Num. 72
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727254103
Amada Beltran Martinez, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 20 De Noviembre Num. 228
Postal Code: 94300
Amado Nervo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Sur 7 Num. 336
Postal Code: 94300
Ana Freud, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Cristobal Colon Poniente Num. 303 (Norte 7, Norte 3)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7215244
Anahuac, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Colon Oriente Esquina Norte 32 Num. 40
Postal Code: 94300
Antonio I. Villarreal, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Prolongacion Oriente 6 Num. 983 (Sur 51, Sur 53)
Phone number: 2727241979
Antonio I. Villarreal, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Prolongacion Oriente 6 Num. 983 (Sur 51, Sur 53)
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 2727240908
Aztlan, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 3 Y Poniente 3 S/n (U. Hab. Fidel Velazquez, El Trebol)
Postal Code: 94456
Phone number: 2727258003
Bachillerato Abierto, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Sur 7 Num. 351
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727251510
Bachillerato Anglo Frances, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 10 Num. 1 Esquina Colon Poniente
Postal Code: 94300
Bachillerato Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Orizaba, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Avenida Oriente 6 Num. 265 (Sur 5, Sur 7)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 012727259733
Bachillerato Ugm Orizaba, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Continuo (mixto)
Address: Calle Norte 26 Num. 156
Bachilleres Del Valle De Orizaba, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Prolongacion De La Avenida 20 De Noviembre (Esquina Calle De Los Censos, )
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727258033
Bartolome De Las Casas, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 13 Num. 310
Bartolome De Las Casas, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 13 Num. 310 (Poniente 2, Poniente 8)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 54869
Beatriz Velasco De Aleman, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 6 Num. 166 (Oriente 3, Oriente 5)
Postal Code: 94300
Benito Juarez Garcia, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 24 S/n (Norte 19, Norte 19-a)
Postal Code: 94350
Phone number: 2727240178
Benito Juarez Garcia, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7261463
Benito Juarez Garcia, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Avenida I Calle 3 Num. 13
Postal Code: 94380
Phone number: 2727254673
Benito Juarez Garcia, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Poniente 13 Num. 22
Carlos A. Carrillo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 13 Num. 22
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250705
Carlos Loyo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle 3 S/n
Postal Code: 94380
Phone number: 2727252951
Cayetano Rodriguez Beltran, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Camerino Z. Mendoza Num. 88 (1ro. De Mayo, 16 De Septiembre)
Postal Code: 94390
Cayetano Rodriguez Beltran, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Camerino Z. Mendoza Num. 88 (1ro. De Mayo, 16 De Septiembre)
Postal Code: 94390
Centro De Atencion Multiple De Educacion Especial Num. 15, Special-Needs Education (Centro De Atencion Multiple (cam))
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Alvaro Obregon S/n
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 7246433
Centro De Bachillerato Tecnologico Industrial Y De Servicios Num. 142, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Federal)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Camino A Chicola S/n
Postal Code: 94310
Phone number: 2727219752
Centro De Capacitacion Para El Trabajo Industrial Num. 170, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Federal)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 14 Num. 121 (Centro Escolar " Revolucion", )
Postal Code: 94350
Phone number: 012727259113
Centro De Desarrollo Infantil Buhitos, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Emiliano Zapata Num. 175
Centro De Desarrollo Infantil Sec Num. 5 Orizaba, Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Alvaro Obregon Num. 245
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 2727242303
Centro De Educacion Especial Para NiÑos De Lento Aprendizaje, Adult Education (Primaria, Secundaria Y Capacitacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente Num. 12
Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Madero, S.c., Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Francisco I. Madero Norte Num. 163
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727251910
Centro De Estudios Tecnicos En Computacion Orizaba, S.c., Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning, Afternoon And Evening
Address: Avenida Oriente 6 Num. 229 Tercer Piso Desp. 302 (Sur 7, Sur 5)
Phone number: 2727259733
Centro De Estudios Tecnologicos Seydel, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Emiliano Zapata Num. 175 (Gomez Farias, 16 De Septiembre)
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 012727262524
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c., Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 20 De Noviembre Num. 686
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 19 Num. 568 (Oriente 12, Oriente 14)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 127245566
Centro Educativo Integral Campus Orizaba, S.c., Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 20 De Noviembre Num. 686
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7247625
Centro Educativo Integral Mexico Americano, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 5 Num. 811
Centro Educativo Jaime Torres Bodet, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle Norte 14 Num. 278
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727214583
Centro Educativo Jaime Torres Bodet, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Calle Norte 14 Num. 278
Centro Educativo Obrero, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8 S/n
Centro Escolar Revolucion, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 14 Num. 121 (Norte 9, Norte 11)
Phone number: 2727254256
Centro Escolar Revolucion, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Poniente 14 Num. 121 (Norte 9, Norte 11)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727219291
Centro Regional De Estudios Orizaba, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Norte 18 S/n (Orienorte 7, Orienorte 9)
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 012727243512
Centro Universitario Geo, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 7 Num. 459 (Sur 8, Sur 10)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 0055722
Christiane Magnani De Aleman, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 14 (Norte 9, Norte 11)
Postal Code: 94350
Citlalli, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 3 Num. 238
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727261337
Colegio Anglo Frances, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 2 Num. 422
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250661
Colegio Central, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Prolongacion De Sur 35 Num. 129
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 127246459
Colegio Champagnat, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Oriente 7 Num. 1185 (Norte 22, Norte 24)
Postal Code: 94320
Colegio Del Golfo De Mexico, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 3 S/n (Norte 24, Norte 26)
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727244311
Colegio Educativo Guillaumin, S.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Poniente Num. 583 Esquina Sur 12
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727288317
Colegio Educativo Guillaumin, S.c., Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Poniente 7 Num. 583
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727288318
Colegio Lancaster, A.c., Higher Education (Licenciatura Pedagogica)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Segunda Privada De Sur 20 Num. 23
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7254869
Colegio Mexico, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 24 Num. 229
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727244850
Colegio Mexico, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 7 Num. 1185
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7244146
Colegio Mexico, A.c., Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 24 Num. 229
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727244850
Colegio Nacional De Educacion Profesional Tecnica Num. 252 "orizaba", Secondary High School (Profesional Tecnico)
Type: Public (State level, Organismo Descentralizado Del Gobierno Del Estado)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Calle Del Cerro S/n
Postal Code: 94329
Phone number: 2727260865
Colegio Preparatorio De Orizaba, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 4 Num. 4
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727261103
Colegio Vasco De Quiroga, Elementary Education (Secundaria Tecnica)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Emiliano Zapata Num. 175 (Col. Espinal, )
Postal Code: 94330
Colegios Clavijero, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Poniente 7 Num. 291
Postal Code: 94300
Colegios Clavijero, Adult Education (Secundaria Para Adultos)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 7 Num. 291
Postal Code: 94300
Comunidad Morelos, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 8 Num. 194 (Sur 5, Sur 7)
Postal Code: 94300
Constitucion De 1857, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 6 Num. 50
Postal Code: 94300
Coordinacion Estatal De Preparatoria Abierta Federal, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Federal)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Segunda Privada De 20 De Noviembre S/n
Postal Code: 94330
Covadonga, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 5 Num. 461
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250630
Covadonga, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 5 Num. 461
Phone number: 2727250630
Covadonga, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 11 Con Privada De Sur 11 S/n (Sur 11, Sur 13)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7244488
Covadonga, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Colon Oriente Num. 525
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7244488
Cri Cri, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 14 Num. 425
Cri-cri, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 3 Esquina Poniente 7
Postal Code: 94348
Phone number: 2721060003
Cristobal Colon, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: 5 De Mayo Num. 362 (Avenida De Los Censos, Quetzalcoalt)
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727253781
Cuauhtemoc, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8 S/n
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727254024
Cuauhtemoc, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8 S/n
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 7261480
Cultura Y Progreso, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Oriente 2 Num. 230 (Sur 5, Sur 7)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727257817
Cultura Y Progreso, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Avenida Oriente 2 Num. 230 (Sur 5, Sur 7)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27250530
Decroly, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Lote 12 Cuartos Del Yute Num. 2 (Oriente 6, Oriente 8)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27272241700
Diana Guraieb De Roji, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 2 S/n (Calle 5, Emiliano Zapata)
Postal Code: 94310
Diez De Mayo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle 23 Y Norte 8 Num. 368 (Sur 6, Norte 8)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27256821
Dr. Belisario Dominguez, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Evening
Address: Poniente 14 Num. 121
Dr. German Rueda Magro, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 7 Num. 580
Phone number: 2727256700
Dra. Lourdes Solorzano Y Rivera, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 7 Num. 632 (Oriente 12, Oriente 14)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27015168
Educare Centro De Servicios Educativos, S.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 26 Num. 448 (Oriente 4, Oriente 11)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7241194
Elvira Ochoa De Hernandez, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 32 Num. 70
Phone number: 2727242701
Enrique C. Rebsamen, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 3 Num. 243 (Poniente 4, Poniente 6)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250607
Enrique Laubscher, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Avenida Oriente 6 Num. 2017
Enrique Pestalozzi, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Oriente 4 Num. 1346 (Sur 25, Sur 27)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7249277
Enrique Pestalozzi, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 4 Num. 1346
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7249277
Escuela Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c., Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Alvaro Obregon (Independencia, Allende)
Postal Code: 94350
Phone number: 2727241115
Escuela Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c., Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Alvaro Obregon S/n
Postal Code: 94350
Phone number: 2727241112
Escuela Normal Martha Christlieb, Higher Education (Licenciatura Pedagogica)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Sur 31 Num. 272
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 012727242624
Escuela Superior De Educacion Fisica De Orizaba, Higher Education (Licenciatura Pedagogica)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Jalapilla S/n
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 012727246588
Estefania CastaÑeda, Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 3 Num. 1008
Phone number: 7244964
Facultad De Ciencias Quimicas, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Public (Independent, Autonomo)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Prolongacion Oriente 6 Num. 1009
Phone number: 40120
Facultad De Enfermeria, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Public (Independent, Autonomo)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Avenida Colon Y Oriente Num. 1300
Phone number: 43981
Federal Tipo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8
Postal Code: 94300
Federico Froebel, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 7 Num. 352 (Oriente 6, Oriente 8)
Postal Code: 94300
Federico Miranda Aguilar, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 4 Num. 166
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 2727245827
Felipe Suberbie, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Vicente Guerrero Num. 31 Barrio Nuevo
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 2727240268
Francisco Gabilondo Soler, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Privada De Oriente 25 Num. 19 (Norte 4, Norte 6)
Francisco Gabilondo Soler, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 5 Num. 573
Francisco Gabilondo Soler, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oreinte 5 Num. 573
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7288629
Francisco Gabilondo Soler (nenitos), Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle Madero Norte Num. 1463
Francisco Javier Clavijero, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 7 Num. 291
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727257031
Francisco Xavier Clavijero, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Evening
Address: Oriente 31 Esquina Circunvalacion
Postal Code: 94320
Gabino Barreda, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 6 Num. 50
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250411
Galileo Galilei, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Primero De Mayo Num. 90
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727240662
Galileo Galilei, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: 1o. De Mayo Num. 90
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727240662
German Rueda Magro, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Oriente 7 Num. 580
Phone number: 2727256700
Graciano Valenzuela, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Oriente 7 Y Norte 12 S/n
Graciano Valenzuela, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 7 Y Norte 12 Sn
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250464
Guarderia Participativa Num. 034, Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 8 Num. 163
Postal Code: 94320
Guarderia Participativa Num. 119, Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Francisco I. Madero Sur Num. 491
Postal Code: 94320
Guarderia Participativa Num. 266, Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 14 Num. 425
Postal Code: 94320
Guillermo Prieto, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Calle 23 Y Norte 8 Num. 368 (Oriente 23, Oriente 25)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 0127256821
Hermenegildo Galeana, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 27 Num. 580 (Norte 14, Norte 16)
Postal Code: 94329
Phone number: 27251900
Heroe De Nacozari, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Carlos Cardenas Rojas Num. 35
Postal Code: 94370
Phone number: 7257555
Hispano Mexicana De Orizaba, A.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Colon Poniente Num. 353 (Sur 7, Sur 9)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7241115
Hispano Mexicana-orizaba, A.c., Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Alvaro Obregon S/n (Independencia, Allende)
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 2727241111
Huitzilin, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Segunda Privada De Antonio Villareal Num. 31
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 27247757
Ignacio Allende, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Unidad 27 De Mayo (Norte 20, Norte 200)
Phone number: 2727250326
Ignacio Allende, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Ignacio Allende Num. 46
Postal Code: 94300
Ignacio De La Llave, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle Norte 13 Esq. Pnt. 8
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 127256200
Ignacio De La Llave, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Retorno 4 S/n
Phone number: 7261678
Ignacio Gomez Izquierdo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Frnacisco I. Madero Norte Num. 649
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250105
Ignacio Zaragoza, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 18 Y Oriente 7
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727244163
Independencia, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 2 Num. 2080 Zona Centro
Postal Code: 94310
Phone number: 727252939
Ing. Ernesto Guraieb Shible, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Vicente M. C. S/n
Phone number: 7252857
Instituto Alejandria, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Miguel Angel De Quevedo Num. 1 (Poniente 5, Poniente 7)
Phone number: 2727259703
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c., Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: 20 De Noviembre Num. 624
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 2727247600
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 20 De Noviembre Num. 624 (Camerino Z. Mendoza, Independencia)
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 2727247600
Instituto Anglo De Cordoba, A.c., Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 20 De Noviembre Num. 624
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 2727247600
Instituto Anglo Frances, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 2 Num. 266
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727252290
Instituto Atenas, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Colon Poniente Num. 393
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727251518
Instituto Atenas, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Colon Poniente Num. 393 Y 401 (Norte 7, Norte 9.)
Phone number: 2727251518
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Colon Poniente Num. 401
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 51518
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c., Higher Education (Licenciatura Pedagogica)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Avenida Colon Poniente Num. 401
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 012727251518
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c., Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Colon Poniente Num. 401 (Norte 9, Norte 7)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727251518
Instituto Atenas De Orizaba, S.c., Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Continuo (mixto)
Address: Avenida Cristobal Colon Poniente Num. 397 Y 401
Instituto Benjamin Franklin, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 12 "a" Num. 981 Esquina Oriente 19
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727259406
Instituto Bilingue Alejandria, A.c., Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Sur 16 Num. 305 (Poniente 5, Poniente 7)
Phone number: 2727252430
Instituto De Estudios Avanzados De Oriente, S.c., Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 5 Num. 454 (Sur 8, Sur 10)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 51235
Instituto De Estudios Contables Y Fiscales, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Norte 7 Num. 147
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 12727258830
Instituto De La Vera Cruz, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 31 Y Oriente 4 Num. 272
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727242624
Instituto De La Veracruz, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 31 Num. 272 (Oriente 4, Oriente 4-a)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727242624
Instituto De Modas Y DiseÑo Baydan, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning, Afternoon And Evening
Address: Norte 6 Num. 447
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727253819
Instituto Harmon Hall Plantel Orizaba, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Oriente 2 Num. 140 Segundo Piso
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727260191
Instituto Ingles Universal, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning, Afternoon And Evening
Address: Sur 3 Num. 19 Primer Piso, Despacho 3, Esquina Colon Oriente
Phone number: 2727263958
Instituto Louise Michell, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Privada De Poniente 5 Num. 89
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727251827
Instituto Maria Franco, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Colon Poniente Num. 271 (Norte 3, Norte 5)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727253299
Instituto Michell, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Privada De Poniente Num. 89 Centro
Phone number: 2727251827
Instituto Moderno De Computacion De Orizaba, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Avenida Oriente 2 Num. 74 Altos Locales 1,3,5,6,7,8 Y 9
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727265840
Instituto Obrero Nocturno, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Poniente 2 Num. 645
Instituto Panamericano De Ingles, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Oriente 6 Y Sur 5 Num. 229 Locales Del 328 Al 332
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727250828
Instituto Pedagogico Bilingše Eric Erikson, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Colon Oriente Num. 372 (Norte 6, Norte 8)
Phone number: 2727257288
Instituto Regional De Cosmetica Y Cosmiatria, Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Colon Poniente Num. 233 Altos Depto. 2
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727253456
Instituto Tecnico Del Golfo De Mexico, Elementary Education (Secundaria Tecnica)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: San Jose Num. 115
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 7263833
Instituto Tecnico Del Golfo De Mexico Plantel Orizaba, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 26 Num. 156 (Oriente 3, Oriente 5)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 12727245311
Instituto Tecnico Ingles, A.c., Adult Education (Formacion Para El Trabajo)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning, Afternoon And Evening
Address: Avenida Oriente 5 Num. 811
Phone number: 27247363
Instituto Tecnologico De "orizaba", Higher Education (Licenciatura Tecnologica)
Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Federal)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Prolongacion Oriente 9 S/n
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 012727244579
Instituto Tecnologico Y De Ciencias Siglo Xxi, Secondary High School (Bachillerato Tecnico)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 6 Num. 61 (Avenida Colon, Oriente 3)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727254184
Instituto Veracruz, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 31 Num. 272 (Oriente 4, Oriente 4 "a".)
Phone number: 2727242624
Instituto Veracruz, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 31 Y Oriente 4 Num. 272
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727242624
Jaime Torres Bodet, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: 7 De Enero Num. 26 Fidel Velasquez (Fidel, )
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 2727267092
Jaime Torres Bodet, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 19 Num. 552 (Oriente 12, Oriente 14)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727247650
Jaime Torres Bodet, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 4 Num. 560 (Calle 5, Calle 6)
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 2727244480
Jardin De NiÑos Anglo Frances, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 2 Num. 390
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 2727251838
Jardin De NiÑos Del Golfo De Mexico, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Circunvalacion Num. 2124
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 7245453
Jesus E. Chahin, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 4 Y Poniente 13 S/n (Sur 6, Poniente 11)
Postal Code: 94300
Jose Aguilar Gonzalez, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Sur 10 Num. 606
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 3 Num. 492 (Sur 12, Sur 16)
Postal Code: 94300
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Oriente 18 Entre Sur 21 Y 23
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 7248985
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 7 Num. 351
Postal Code: 94300
Jose Maria Morelos Y Pavon, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 7 Num. 351
Jose Vasconcelos, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 5 Num. 437
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250238
Josefa Murillo, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Sur 7 Num. 336
Josefa Ortiz De Dominguez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Retorno 1 Andador 4
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 27272118970
Josefa Ortiz De Dominguez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 7 336
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727252466
Juan Escutia, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Prolongacion De Sur 35 S/n
Julio Lopez Silva, Elementary Education (Secundaria Para Trabajadores)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Evening
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8 S/n
Phone number: 2727261481
Justo Sierra, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Cuartos Cerritos S/n
Kindergym, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 28 Num. 119 (Oriente 15, Circunvalacion)
Phone number: 2721063383
Konetzin, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle 1 Num. 65
Postal Code: 94340
Phone number: 72141776
L'ecole, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 23 Num. 18 (Ex Toreo, Privada De Oriente 4 "a")
Phone number: 2727243010
La Paz, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 2 Num. 423 (Sur 9, Sur 11)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7244649
La Paz, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 2 Num. 423
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7244649
Leona Vicario, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 6 Num. 176
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727252176
Leonor Pazos, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Norte 6 Num. 176
Librado Rivera, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 1 Num. 11 (Calle 3, Calle 4)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727215078
Lic. Benito Juarez Garcia, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 18 (Sur 21, Sur 23)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727240419
Lic. Carlos Cardenas Rojas, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Primero De Mayo Num. 4 (De Las Artes, Agricultura)
Postal Code: 94370
Phone number: 2727218952
Lic. Miguel Aleman Velazco, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Colon Oriente S/n Esquina Norte Num. 32
Postal Code: 94320
Lic. Miguel Sanchez Oropeza, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Norte 4 Num. 4
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27256222
Lic. Miguel Sanchez Oropeza, Adult Education (Secundaria Para Adultos)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Norte 4 Num. 4
Phone number: 0056222
Liceo De Orizaba, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Emiliano Zapata Num. 175
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727262524
Luis Gonzalez Gomez, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 2 Poniente Num. 585 (Norte 11, Norte 13.)
Phone number: 2727255594
Luis Gonzalez Gomez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida 2 Poniente Num. 585
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727255594
Luz Maria Serradel, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 30 Y Norte 3 (Norte 3, Norte 5)
Postal Code: 94350
Maestria En Educacion Basica Orizaba, Higher Education (Maestria)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Sur Num. 39 (Oriente 4, )
Manitas Que Trabajan, Early Childhood Education (Cendi)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 4 Num. 1780
Phone number: 7245793
Manuel I. Llorente, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 26 Y Oriente 5 S/n
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727243537
Manuel M. Herrera, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Calzada Miguel Aleman S/n
Postal Code: 94300
Manuel M. Herrera, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Calzada Miguel Aleman S/n
Postal Code: 94310
Phone number: 7250458
Manuel Oropeza, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Andador Vicente Castillo S/n
Margarita Maza De Juarez, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: 16 De Septiembre Num. 4
Postal Code: 94340
Margarita Maza P. De Juarez, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Salvador Diaz Miron Y 20 De Noviembre S/n
Postal Code: 94390
Phone number: 2727240991
Maria Cortines De Ruiz, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 23 Y Oriente 2 Num. 95 (Av. Colon, Oriente 2)
Postal Code: 94300
Maria Franco, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Colon Poniente Num. 271 (Norte 3, Norte 7)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7253299
Maria Montessori, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 31 Num. 348
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 7264208
Meliton Guzman I. Romero, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 11 Num. 1880
Postal Code: 94398
Phone number: 7240480
Meliton Guzman I. Romero, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Sur 11 Num. 1880
Postal Code: 94300
Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 10 Num. 606
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7252266
Miguel Lopez Brito, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle De Los Censos Y Retorno Num. 1
Postal Code: 94339
Phone number: 2727218971
Moctezuma, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Evening
Address: Poniente 9 Num. 865
Moctezuma Ilhuicamina, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Calle 3 Num. 31
Postal Code: 94380
Modelo Enrique Laubscher, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 2 Num. 705
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727252468
Nicolas Bravo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Oriente 6 2017
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7240675
Oficial Diurna, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 2 Num. 2080
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727252810
Oficial Nocturna, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Norte 4 Num. 4
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250474
Orizaba, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Sur 7 Num. 632 (Sur 23, Sur 25)
Postal Code: 94330
Orizaba, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Privada De Poniente 20 S/n (Norte 13, Norte 15)
Phone number: 2727263522
Orizaba, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 13 Num. 242 (Oriente 4, Oriente 6)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727244957
Orizaba, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Sur 13 Num. 242 (Oriente 4, Oriente 6)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727244973
Piccolos, S.c., Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Oriente 4 Num. 999
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727244755
Pluviosilla, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 5 A Num. 807
Postal Code: 94310
Phone number: 2727262525
Primaria Particular Del Valle De Orizaba, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Vicente M. Corona S//n (Privada Corona, Avenida De Los Censos)
Profr. Carlos Gutierrez MuÑoz, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Oriente 27 Num. 580 (Norte 14, Norte 16)
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727243154
Profr. Julio Lopez Silva, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Roble Num. 351
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 27259772
Profra. Bertha Lapa De Navarro, Special-Needs Education (Centro De Atencion Multiple (cam))
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 12 Lote 70
Phone number: 2727256289
Quetzalcoatl, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Avenida 15 De Mayo S/n
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727218687
Rafael Delgado, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Unidad Habitacional 27 De Mayo
Postal Code: 94320
Rafael Delgado, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Juan T. Gonzalez S/n (23 De Mayo, Teresita PeÑafiel)
Postal Code: 94390
Ramon Lopez Velarde, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Retorno 1 S/n (Avenida De Los Censos, 5 De Mayo)
Postal Code: 94330
Roberto Owen, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Prolongacion De Francisco I. Madero Norte Num. 197
Postal Code: 94310
Rosario Castellanos, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Avenida Primero Mayo Lote 3 2da. Seccion
Postal Code: 94370
Rosario Guevara De CabaÑas, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Avenida Ferrocarril S/n
Postal Code: 94340
Rosaura Tobon, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 30a Num. 150 (Norte 15, Norte 17)
Postal Code: 94350
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 4, Elementary Education (Secundaria Tecnica)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Sur 39 Y Oriente 4
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 42824
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 84, Elementary Education (Secundaria Tecnica)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning And Afternoon
Address: Camino Circunvalacion S/n
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 012727247179
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 98, Elementary Education (Secundaria Tecnica)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Rio Panuco S/n Unidad Puerta Grande
Postal Code: 94420
Phone number: 27216397
Secundaria Y De Bachilleres Oficial A, Elementary Education (General Secondary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 2 Num. 2080
Phone number: 2727252810
Silvia Del Carmen Ortiz CastaÑeda, Elementary Education (General Preschool)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Privada Extoreo Num. 63 (Sur 23, Sur 25)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27240536
Sistema De EnseÑanza Abierta, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Public (Independent, Autonomo)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Poniente 7 Num. 1383
Phone number: 58876
Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Poniente 2 Num. 645
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 27253458
Telebachillerato Orizaba, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Afternoon
Address: Norte 3 Num. 136 Poniente 2 Y 4 (Poniente 2, Poniente 4)
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 272726414
Unidad Regional Upn 304 Orizaba, Higher Education (Licenciatura Pedagogica)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur Num. 227 (Oriente 4, Oriente 6)
Postal Code: 94300
Universidad Del Golfo De Mexico, A.c. Campus Orizaba, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Oriente 17 Num. 1117 (Norte 24, Norte 26)
Postal Code: 94320
Phone number: 46169
Universidad Del Valle De Orizaba, Higher Education (Licenciatura Universitaria)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Intermittent
Address: Avenida 20 De Noviembre Num. 1
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 58033
Ursulo Galvan, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: 20 De Noviembre Num. 1
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727213462
Valentin Gomez Farias, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Sur 11 Num. 1880
Valle De Orizaba, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Private, Private)School hours: Morning
Address: Prolongacion 20 De Noviembre Num. 1
Postal Code: 94330
Phone number: 2727258033
Venustiano Carranza, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Norte 13 Y Poniente 8
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 7261471
Venustiano Carranza, Adult Education (Primaria Para Adultos)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Evening
Address: Norte 6 Num. 50
Venustiano Carranza, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Estatal)School hours: Morning
Address: Sur 8 Y Poniente 11 S/n
Postal Code: 94300
Phone number: 2727250262