Schools in Nueva Revolución (Las Margaritas, Chiapas)

Schools in Nueva Revolución (Chiapas), and list of top schools, with data and alumni opinions on educational platform or physical education.

List of educational centers in the Municipality of Las Margaritas.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Las Margaritas.
  1. Aguas del Río (Las Guayabitas) (6 inhabitants)
  2. Buenos Aires (50 inhabitants)
  3. Lucio Cabañas (40 inhabitants)
  4. El Tulipán (6 inhabitants)
  5. Flor de Café (36 inhabitants)
  6. Guadalupe el Paraíso (4 inhabitants)
  7. Justo Sierra (San Francisco) (1475 inhabitants)
  8. La Pascua (- inhabitants)
  9. La Realidad (5 inhabitants)
  10. La Soledad (53 inhabitants)
  11. Ranchos Unidos Agropecuarios (76 inhabitants)
  12. San Antonio los Altos (523 inhabitants)
  13. San Vicente el Encanto (753 inhabitants)
  14. Santa Rita Invernadero (1210 inhabitants)
  15. Victoria la Paz (196 inhabitants)

Guadalupe Victoria, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Nueva Revolucion
Postal Code: 30180

Jardin De NiÑos Comunitario Belisario Dominguez Palencia, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Poblado Nueva Revolucion
Postal Code: 30180
