Schools in Mesa del Riyito (Chihuahua)

Where to study in Mesa del Riyito? In the State of Chihuahua and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Teaching quality or classroom hours are important data to analyze.

Find out about the best schools in the Guadalupe y Calvo Municipality.

The children attending these schools come from this list of Guadalupe y Calvo towns.
  1. Alto de San Pedro (- inhabitants)
  2. Arroyo de la Ciénega (44 inhabitants)
  3. Compañía (58 inhabitants)
  4. El Cordón (18 inhabitants)
  5. El Platanar (41 inhabitants)
  6. El Zapote (- inhabitants)
  7. El Zapote (81 inhabitants)
  8. La Joya (8 inhabitants)
  9. La Manga (25 inhabitants)
  10. Los Terreros (6 inhabitants)
  11. Mesa de Yerbanís (- inhabitants)
  12. Mesa del Venado (7 inhabitants)
  13. Ojo del Buey (- inhabitants)
  14. Puerto de Talayotes (22 inhabitants)
  15. Puerto Zape Chico (11 inhabitants)

Escuela Primaria, Elementary Education (Elementary Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Mesa De Ritos
Postal Code: 33740
