Schools in Manzanos (Guanajuato)
Where to study in Manzanos? In the State of Guanajuato and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Teachers or teaching quality are important data to analyze.
In the Municipality of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal. there is a high quality of educational centers.
The children attending these schools come from this list of Dolores Hidalgo Cuna de la Independencia Nal. towns.
- Carboneras (217 inhabitants)
- Delgadillo (334 inhabitants)
- El Contador (49 inhabitants)
- El Potrillo (5 inhabitants)
- Los Quiotes (190 inhabitants)
- Palacio de Abajo (496 inhabitants)
- Palo Seco (- inhabitants)
- Peña Prieta (393 inhabitants)
- Primera Casa del Oasis (8 inhabitants)
- San Diego de Tierrablanca (Rancho de Teresa) (4 inhabitants)
- San José de los Chávez (39 inhabitants)
- San Pedro de la Sierra (54 inhabitants)
- San Simeón (262 inhabitants)
- Santa Teresa (Constantino Melesio) (- inhabitants)
- Soledad Nueva (1297 inhabitants)
Independencia, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Manzanos
Postal Code: 37800
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