Schools in Los Ranchos (Chiapas)

Schools in Los Ranchos (Chiapas), and list of top schools, with data and alumni opinions on physical education or teachers.

Good schools in the Municipality of Chamula.

The towns of Chamula have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
  1. Centro Cruz Obispo (73 inhabitants)
  2. Chimtic (408 inhabitants)
  3. Corralchén (79 inhabitants)
  4. Jolpajaltón (475 inhabitants)
  5. Las Nubes (39 inhabitants)
  6. Majomut (1546 inhabitants)
  7. Narváez (1816 inhabitants)
  8. Nichnamtic (1488 inhabitants)
  9. Nichte (555 inhabitants)
  10. Pajaltón Bajo (1225 inhabitants)
  11. Pathuitz (731 inhabitants)
  12. Pugchén Mumuntic (1472 inhabitants)
  13. Sat Vo (172 inhabitants)
  14. Tentic (1266 inhabitants)
  15. Yolonchen Dos (108 inhabitants)

Constitucion Del 57, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Paraje Ajtetic, Los Ranchos
Postal Code: 29320

Profr. Romeo Dominguez Lopez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Los Ranchos
Postal Code: 29320

Teresa De Calcuta, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Los Ranchos
Postal Code: 29320
