Schools in Los Negros (Ario, Michoacán)
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The towns of Ario have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
- Cerro Viejo (2 inhabitants)
- Los Morales (18 inhabitants)
- El Guayabo Colorado (169 inhabitants)
- El Moral (470 inhabitants)
- El Tejamanil (89 inhabitants)
- El Timbinal (6 inhabitants)
- El Valle (Valle Nuevo) (63 inhabitants)
- La Golondrina (26 inhabitants)
- La Hacienda del Limón (3 inhabitants)
- La Parota (41 inhabitants)
- Las Vigas (4 inhabitants)
- Nuevo Centro de Población Ejidal Lázaro Cárdenas (35 inhabitants)
- Paso Real (204 inhabitants)
- Tahuenambo (Tabuenambo) (72 inhabitants)
- Tres Palos (42 inhabitants)
18 De Marzo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 61830