Schools in Los Conejos (San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí)

Where to study in Los Conejos? In the State of San Luis Potosí and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Distance education or physical education are important data to analyze.

List of educational centers in the Municipality of San Luis Potosí.

The children attending these schools come from this list of San Luis Potosí towns.
  1. Angostura (170 inhabitants)
  2. Arroyos (1658 inhabitants)
  3. Bosque de las Flores (153 inhabitants)
  4. Coyonostal (2 inhabitants)
  5. El Ancón (81 inhabitants)
  6. El Huizache (81 inhabitants)
  7. El Jaralito (1370 inhabitants)
  8. La Libertad (Pozos) (44 inhabitants)
  9. Jesús María (13 inhabitants)
  10. Pozo Dos (31 inhabitants)
  11. Rinconada (Ejido Milpillas) (28 inhabitants)
  12. Tanque Blanco (1 inhabitants)
  13. Tanque de la Cruz (99 inhabitants)
  14. Tanque el Jagüey (850 inhabitants)
  15. Terrero Norte (55 inhabitants)

Ildefonso Diaz De Leon, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Municipal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 78400
