Schools in Laguna Petej (Chiapas)

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Find out about the best schools in the Chamula Municipality.

The towns of Chamula have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
  1. Bachén (717 inhabitants)
  2. Banabolob (489 inhabitants)
  3. Chicviltenal (1208 inhabitants)
  4. Chilimjoveltic (751 inhabitants)
  5. Chimtic (408 inhabitants)
  6. Epalchén (1076 inhabitants)
  7. Jolbón (140 inhabitants)
  8. Lindavista (151 inhabitants)
  9. Lomho (351 inhabitants)
  10. Manzanatic (79 inhabitants)
  11. Nichén 2 (74 inhabitants)
  12. Pilalchén (679 inhabitants)
  13. Tilil (8 inhabitants)
  14. Tojtic (638 inhabitants)
  15. Yaltem (2414 inhabitants)

Cuauhtemoc, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Laguna Petej
Postal Code: 29320
