Schools in La Lima (Tenampulco, Puebla)
Where to study in La Lima? In the State of Puebla and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Distance education or classroom hours are important data to analyze.
Where to study in the Municipality of Tenampulco.
In the following towns in the municipality of Tenampulco live the students who attend the listed schools.
- Caracoles (63 inhabitants)
- Colonia Morelos (157 inhabitants)
- Cruz Verde (40 inhabitants)
- El Frijolillo (8 inhabitants)
- El Porvenir (34 inhabitants)
- El Tecajete (133 inhabitants)
- El Zapotal (119 inhabitants)
- La Burra (6 inhabitants)
- La Consentida (68 inhabitants)
- La Esperanza (23 inhabitants)
- La Sabana (102 inhabitants)
- Ojo de Agua (27 inhabitants)
- Saltillo (102 inhabitants)
- Santa Lucía (374 inhabitants)
- Tlacotalpa (48 inhabitants)