Schools in La Eréndira (La Desviación de Núñez) (Michoacán)
We have many schools in La Eréndira (La Desviación de Núñez) (Michoacán). Browse through the list below to analyze educational platform or distance education and make a good choice for your children's school.
Municipality of Huetamo and its best centers to study.
The children attending these schools come from this list of Huetamo towns.
- Amengarícuaro (19 inhabitants)
- Aparandán (10 inhabitants)
- Charangarícuaro (19 inhabitants)
- Hermanos Lara (- inhabitants)
- La Laja (- inhabitants)
- La Plantada (- inhabitants)
- Las Apatzicuas (- inhabitants)
- Las Tiquichucas (- inhabitants)
- Los Lampaces (14 inhabitants)
- Pinzanangapio (122 inhabitants)
- Piritícuaro (33 inhabitants)
- Puerto del Capire (Puerto del Llanto) (- inhabitants)
- Quetzerio (115 inhabitants)
- La Esperanza (- inhabitants)
- Sanchiqueo (72 inhabitants)