Schools in Kilómetro Quince (Fortín, Veracruz)

Schools in Kilómetro Quince (Veracruz), and list of top schools, with data and alumni opinions on educational platform or physical education.

List of educational centers in the Municipality of Fortín.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Fortín.
  1. Colonia Framboyanes (101 inhabitants)
  2. Colonia la Llave (269 inhabitants)
  3. Cuapichapan (332 inhabitants)
  4. Fortín de las Flores (21391 inhabitants)
  5. Fraccionamiento los Álamos (1052 inhabitants)
  6. Fraccionamiento los Lienzos (391 inhabitants)
  7. Fraccionamiento Villas de la Llave (1401 inhabitants)
  8. Kilómetro Quince (24 inhabitants)
  9. Microondas San Juan (8 inhabitants)
  10. Parada Cocuyo (49 inhabitants)
  11. La Fama (10 inhabitants)
  12. San Isidro (Loma Angosta) (29 inhabitants)
  13. San Paulino (174 inhabitants)
  14. Unidad Hacienda San Marcial (155 inhabitants)
  15. Zongolica (10 inhabitants)

Kilometro Num. 15, Elementary Education (Elementary Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Morning
