Schools in José Guadalupe Rodríguez (La Jota) (Veracruz)

Distance education or educational platform are important when choosing a school in José Guadalupe Rodríguez (La Jota) (Veracruz). Get all the facts.

In the Municipality of Minatitlán there is a high quality of educational centers.

In the following towns in the municipality of Minatitlán live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Benito Juárez (Cocuite) (127 inhabitants)
  2. Buena Vista (3 inhabitants)
  3. Buenavista de Juárez (389 inhabitants)
  4. Carrizal Cinco de Febrero (490 inhabitants)
  5. Chichigapa (319 inhabitants)
  6. Díaz Ordaz (Las Palmas) (45 inhabitants)
  7. El Acuyal (42 inhabitants)
  8. El Caoba (22 inhabitants)
  9. José Luis Cabada (3 inhabitants)
  10. Los Manantiales (95 inhabitants)
  11. Minatitlán (101336 inhabitants)
  12. Rancho Nuevo Carrizal (1041 inhabitants)
  13. San Gabriel Arcángel (- inhabitants)
  14. Sehualaca (91 inhabitants)
  15. Sitio Viejo (- inhabitants)

Guadalupe Victoria, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Centro Del Poblado

Teniente Jose Azueta, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Centro De La Localidad
