Schools in Ichintón (Chiapas)

Where to study in Ichintón? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in educational platform or distance education. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Chiapas.

Where to study in the Municipality of Chamula.

The schoolchildren in the classrooms on this page come from villages all over the municipality of Chamula.
  1. Agua Azul (372 inhabitants)
  2. Bahukum (45 inhabitants)
  3. Batojtic (303 inhabitants)
  4. Chicviltenal (1208 inhabitants)
  5. Cruz Chot (284 inhabitants)
  6. Jomalho (1227 inhabitants)
  7. Laguna Grande (20 inhabitants)
  8. Las Ollas (1420 inhabitants)
  9. Sactzu (681 inhabitants)
  10. Santa Ana (1055 inhabitants)
  11. Seteltón (662 inhabitants)
  12. Tres Flores (63 inhabitants)
  13. Yitic (1371 inhabitants)
  14. Yolonan (698 inhabitants)
  15. Yut Osil Uno (237 inhabitants)

Leona Vicario, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Ichinton
Postal Code: 29320

Moctezuma Ilhuicamina, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Ichinton
Postal Code: 29320
