Schools in Huixtla (Zongolica, Veracruz)

The education in the town of Huixtla is of high quality, and distance education or physical education must be taken into account. Schools in the State of Veracruz.

Good schools in the Municipality of Zongolica.

From these localities of the municipality of Zongolica children attend the following schools.
  1. Atexoxocuapa (476 inhabitants)
  2. Azcuahutlamanca (192 inhabitants)
  3. Cerro Chico (150 inhabitants)
  4. El Mirador (188 inhabitants)
  5. Huaxtécatl Uno (206 inhabitants)
  6. La Alianza (229 inhabitants)
  7. La Palma (172 inhabitants)
  8. La Pila (164 inhabitants)
  9. Loma Linderos (67 inhabitants)
  10. Mochichino (130 inhabitants)
  11. Ochitla (232 inhabitants)
  12. Paraje Ayojapa (150 inhabitants)
  13. Paso del Águila (245 inhabitants)
  14. San José Chininiapan (203 inhabitants)
  15. Tenango (61 inhabitants)

Adolfo Lopez Mateos, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 95000

Tezcatlipoca, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
