Schools in Granjas de San Francisco (San Luis Potosí)

Distance education or physical education are important when choosing a school in Granjas de San Francisco (San Luis Potosí). Get all the facts.

Good schools in the Municipality of Cerro de San Pedro.

In the following towns in the municipality of Cerro de San Pedro live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Calderón (177 inhabitants)
  2. Cerro de San Pedro (97 inhabitants)
  3. Colonia SAHOP (3 inhabitants)
  4. Cuesta de Campa (58 inhabitants)
  5. El Tecolote (31 inhabitants)
  6. Granjas de la Florida (132 inhabitants)
  7. Granjas de San Francisco (183 inhabitants)
  8. Granjas de San Pedro (166 inhabitants)
  9. Jesús María (57 inhabitants)
  10. La Estación (4 inhabitants)
  11. La Sabanilla (Portezuelo) (7 inhabitants)
  12. Nueva Zapatilla (203 inhabitants)
  13. Nuevo Amanecer (157 inhabitants)
  14. Planta del Carmen (El Ocho) (471 inhabitants)
  15. Real del Potosí (603 inhabitants)

Colegio Aleman De San Luis Potosi, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)

Type: Private (Private, Private)
School hours: Morning
Address: San Antonio Num. 12
Postal Code: 78440
Phone number: 1019426

Colegio Aleman De San Luis Potosi, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Private (Private, Private)
School hours: Morning
Address: San Antonio Num. 12 (Av. San Francisco, Sur)
Postal Code: 78440

Colegio Aleman De San Luis Potosi, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Private (Private, Private)
School hours: Morning
Address: San Antonio Num. 12
Postal Code: 78440
Phone number: 1019426

Colegio Aleman San Luis, Elementary Education (General Secondary)

Type: Private (Private, Private)
School hours: Morning
Address: San Antonio Num. 12
Postal Code: 78440
Phone number: 1019426
