Schools in Elemuxil (Chiapas)
Where to study in Elemuxil? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in educational platform or distance education. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Chiapas.
Where to study in the Municipality of Chilón.
The schoolchildren in the classrooms on this page come from villages all over the municipality of Chilón.
- 1ra. Yalxex (259 inhabitants)
- Arroyo Mustanja (99 inhabitants)
- Bahtaj (109 inhabitants)
- Baj Muculwitz (180 inhabitants)
- Bawitz Tzak (16 inhabitants)
- Buenavista Baque Tajal (39 inhabitants)
- Ch'Entikilha (79 inhabitants)
- Filadelfia (336 inhabitants)
- Jolja (48 inhabitants)
- Monte de los Olivos (27 inhabitants)
- Oasis (El Edén) (4 inhabitants)
- Pamalhá 2da. Sección (324 inhabitants)
- San Felipe Tulijá (79 inhabitants)
- Sepel Acté (41 inhabitants)
- Xexaljá (40 inhabitants)
Preescolar Conafe Indigena, Elementary Education (Preschool Conafe)
Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)School hours: Morning
Address: Elemuxil
Postal Code: 29940