Schools in El Salto (Ignacio de la Llave, Veracruz)

computers or teaching quality in El Salto (Veracruz). List of the best educational centers for your children. Opinions of former students.

Good schools in the Municipality of Ignacio de la Llave.

From these localities of the municipality of Ignacio de la Llave children attend the following schools.
  1. El Jobo (- inhabitants)
  2. Emiliano Zapata (37 inhabitants)
  3. La Cerquilla (125 inhabitants)
  4. La Encantada (186 inhabitants)
  5. Laguna San Marcos (- inhabitants)
  6. Los Candadillos (227 inhabitants)
  7. Nuevo Paso Limón (72 inhabitants)
  8. Nuevo Zapotal (46 inhabitants)
  9. Palma Cuata (863 inhabitants)
  10. Palma de Coco (186 inhabitants)
  11. Paso de las Mulas (242 inhabitants)
  12. Pozo de Arena (233 inhabitants)
  13. Sabaneta (288 inhabitants)
  14. Tarcazalapa (El Reacomodo) (4 inhabitants)
  15. Zanja del Barro (201 inhabitants)

Ing. Cesar Uscanga Uscanga, Elementary Education (Distance Education For High Schools)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Junto Al Campo Deportivo
Postal Code: 95240

Maria Montessori, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 95241

Melchor Ocampo, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
