Schools in El Huizache (Guadalcázar, San Luis Potosí)

Students or computers are important when choosing a school in El Huizache (San Luis Potosí). Get all the facts.

Where can I study in the Municipality of Guadalcázar?

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Guadalcázar.
  1. Charco Cercado (1284 inhabitants)
  2. Crucero la Presita (Tanque la Presita) (18 inhabitants)
  3. El Barrial (40 inhabitants)
  4. El Huaricho (3 inhabitants)
  5. El Jaujal (258 inhabitants)
  6. El Jicote (303 inhabitants)
  7. El Milagro de Guadalupe (1421 inhabitants)
  8. La Media Nega (57 inhabitants)
  9. La Verdolaga (1 inhabitants)
  10. Las Lagunas (12 inhabitants)
  11. Los Ángeles Número Dos (48 inhabitants)
  12. Norias del Refugio (1104 inhabitants)
  13. San Martín (San Martín del Tanquito) (63 inhabitants)
  14. San Rafael de los Nietos (26 inhabitants)
  15. Santa Rita del Rucio (196 inhabitants)

Emiliano Zapata, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning

Jose Feliciano Torres Pelaez, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)

Type: Private (Charter school, Subsidio Estatal - Asociacion Civil)
School hours: Morning
Address: Entronque El Huizache
Postal Code: 78870
Phone number: 4866596077

Justo Sierra, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 78880

Nios Heroes, Elementary Education (Distance Education For High Schools)

Type: Public (State level, Estatal)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 78880
