Schools in El Huizache (Guadalcázar, San Luis Potosí)
Students or computers are important when choosing a school in El Huizache (San Luis Potosí). Get all the facts.
Where can I study in the Municipality of Guadalcázar?
The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Guadalcázar.
- Charco Cercado (1284 inhabitants)
- Crucero la Presita (Tanque la Presita) (18 inhabitants)
- El Barrial (40 inhabitants)
- El Huaricho (3 inhabitants)
- El Jaujal (258 inhabitants)
- El Jicote (303 inhabitants)
- El Milagro de Guadalupe (1421 inhabitants)
- La Media Nega (57 inhabitants)
- La Verdolaga (1 inhabitants)
- Las Lagunas (12 inhabitants)
- Los Ángeles Número Dos (48 inhabitants)
- Norias del Refugio (1104 inhabitants)
- San Martín (San Martín del Tanquito) (63 inhabitants)
- San Rafael de los Nietos (26 inhabitants)
- Santa Rita del Rucio (196 inhabitants)
Emiliano Zapata, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Jose Feliciano Torres Pelaez, Secondary High School (General Secondary High)
Type: Private (Charter school, Subsidio Estatal - Asociacion Civil)School hours: Morning
Address: Entronque El Huizache
Postal Code: 78870
Phone number: 4866596077
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