Schools in El Bejucal (Tenosique, Tabasco)

Teachers or teaching quality are important when choosing a school in El Bejucal (Tabasco). Get all the facts.

Where can I study in the Municipality of Tenosique?

In the following towns in the municipality of Tenosique live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Dieciséis de Septiembre (85 inhabitants)
  2. Buenavista (4 inhabitants)
  3. Canitzán 2da. Sección (59 inhabitants)
  4. Centro Usumacinta (431 inhabitants)
  5. Cortijo Nuevo 2da. Sección (134 inhabitants)
  6. El Martillo (36 inhabitants)
  7. El Mercebel (3 inhabitants)
  8. El Pedregal (358 inhabitants)
  9. El Pedregal (5 inhabitants)
  10. José María Pino Suárez 1ra. Sección (412 inhabitants)
  11. Luis Echeverría Álvarez 1ra. Sección (155 inhabitants)
  12. Nueva Esperanza (469 inhabitants)
  13. Plan de San Antonio (113 inhabitants)
  14. Pomoná 1ra. Sección (426 inhabitants)
  15. San Juan (3 inhabitants)

Miguel Hidalgo, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Ejido Bejucal
Postal Code: 86901

Ricardo Flores Magon, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Poblado El Bejucal
Postal Code: 86901
