Schools in Dos de Abril (Zentla, Veracruz)
Where to study in Dos de Abril? In the State of Veracruz and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Computers or students are important data to analyze.
In the Municipality of Zentla there is a high quality of educational centers.
Numerous localities in Zentla supply the schools with pupils.
- Buenavista (17 inhabitants)
- Colonia Manuel González (108 inhabitants)
- Corazón de Jesús (Piña) (914 inhabitants)
- Dos Luceros (142 inhabitants)
- El Castillo (48 inhabitants)
- La Reforma (58 inhabitants)
- Loma Sola (51 inhabitants)
- Los Gómez (- inhabitants)
- Mafara (94 inhabitants)
- Paso del Cedro (68 inhabitants)
- Rincón Mariano (392 inhabitants)
- Rincón Patiño (58 inhabitants)
- Rincón Tío Tamal (113 inhabitants)
- San Vicente (104 inhabitants)
- Zapotal (360 inhabitants)
Belisario Dominguez, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 94220