Schools in Cruztón (Chamula, Chiapas)

Where to study in Cruztón? In the State of Chiapas and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Students or physical education are important data to analyze.

In the Municipality of Chamula there is a high quality of educational centers.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Chamula.
  1. Bashequen (700 inhabitants)
  2. Batojtic I (119 inhabitants)
  3. Bautista Chico (2194 inhabitants)
  4. Bechijtic (604 inhabitants)
  5. Cruz Quemada (930 inhabitants)
  6. Cuchulumtic (1622 inhabitants)
  7. Jolch'Entik (84 inhabitants)
  8. Jtzav (367 inhabitants)
  9. Nichte (555 inhabitants)
  10. Pajaltón Bajo (1225 inhabitants)
  11. Tichen (95 inhabitants)
  12. Tilil Centro (105 inhabitants)
  13. Tojtic (638 inhabitants)
  14. Yolonan (698 inhabitants)
  15. Yut Osil Uno (237 inhabitants)

Jesus Gonzalez Ortega, Elementary Education (indigenous preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Cruzton
Postal Code: 29320

Revolucion Social, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Cruzton
Postal Code: 29320
