Schools in Corregidora Ortíz de Domínguez (Tabasco)
Where to study in Corregidora Ortíz de Domínguez? Education is important, and there are many schools to choose from in educational platform or classroom hours. Here is a list of the best schools in the State of Tabasco.
List of educational centers in the Municipality of Tenosique.
Find out the localities of Tenosique from where the children go to school.
- Benito Juárez 2da. Sección (138 inhabitants)
- Boca del Cerro (387 inhabitants)
- Cortijo Nuevo 2da. Sección (134 inhabitants)
- Crisóforo Chiñas (359 inhabitants)
- El Pedregal (358 inhabitants)
- El Repasto (248 inhabitants)
- El Xotal 1ra. Sección (108 inhabitants)
- Esperanza Norte (El Veinte) (343 inhabitants)
- Francisco Villa (264 inhabitants)
- La Gloria (8 inhabitants)
- Luis Echeverría Álvarez 2da. Sección (3 inhabitants)
- Nicolás Bravo (150 inhabitants)
- Paso de la Sabana (41 inhabitants)
- Pollo Solo (6 inhabitants)
- San Francisco (10 inhabitants)
Narciso Mendoza, Elementary Education (General Elementary)
Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)School hours: Morning
Address: Ejido Corregidora Ortiz De Dominguez
Postal Code: 86901