Schools in Comunidad José Esteban Sarmiento (Sonora)

Distance education or educational platform are important when choosing a school in Comunidad José Esteban Sarmiento (Sonora). Get all the facts.

In the Municipality of Hermosillo there is a high quality of educational centers.

In the following towns in the municipality of Hermosillo live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Campestre Villa Guadalupe (13 inhabitants)
  2. El Chanate (1 inhabitants)
  3. El Garambullo (5 inhabitants)
  4. El Palacio de Wayne (1 inhabitants)
  5. Huerta La Colmena (Pozo Cuatro) (- inhabitants)
  6. Ignacio Manuel Altamirano (3 inhabitants)
  7. Las Trancas (2 inhabitants)
  8. Las Bolsas (- inhabitants)
  9. Los Cuates (12 inhabitants)
  10. Mungarro (- inhabitants)
  11. Rancho San Juacico Bajo (2 inhabitants)
  12. Salicornia (Campito) (- inhabitants)
  13. San Fernando (- inhabitants)
  14. Santa Margarita (49 inhabitants)
  15. Santo Niño (63 inhabitants)

Nueva Creacion, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: C Onocido
