Schools in Chupaquil (Chiapas)

Where to study in Chupaquil? In the State of Chiapas and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Students or physical education are important data to analyze.

In the Municipality of Yajalón there is a high quality of educational centers.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Yajalón.
  1. Braulio Constantino (7 inhabitants)
  2. Canaán (37 inhabitants)
  3. La Belleza 2da. Sección (43 inhabitants)
  4. La Laguna 2da. Sección (219 inhabitants)
  5. La Reforma (32 inhabitants)
  6. La Unión Takinucum (Buenavista) (20 inhabitants)
  7. Lázaro Cárdenas (1414 inhabitants)
  8. San José Ismocoy (112 inhabitants)
  9. San José la Florida Yob (174 inhabitants)
  10. San José Anexo Lázaro Cárdenas (118 inhabitants)
  11. Acabalná (48 inhabitants)
  12. San Vicente Ojo de Agua (89 inhabitants)
  13. San Vicente Satélite (9 inhabitants)
  14. Santa Fé (5 inhabitants)
  15. El Manantial (107 inhabitants)

Castillo De Chapultepec, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Ch-upakil
Postal Code: 29930
