Schools in Chimtic (Chiapas)

Find out opinions of teachers or distance education of the schools in Chimtic (Chiapas). Would alumni study in their schools again?.

Good schools in the Municipality of Chamula.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Chamula.
  1. Agua Azul (372 inhabitants)
  2. Arvenza Dos (340 inhabitants)
  3. Catishtic (1848 inhabitants)
  4. Cruz Obispo (86 inhabitants)
  5. Cuchulumtic (1622 inhabitants)
  6. Kotolté (1225 inhabitants)
  7. Laguna Petej (1013 inhabitants)
  8. Pilalchén (679 inhabitants)
  9. Rasién (446 inhabitants)
  10. Seteltón (662 inhabitants)
  11. Tilil (8 inhabitants)
  12. Tres Cruces (458 inhabitants)
  13. Yitic (1371 inhabitants)
  14. Yoltojtik (143 inhabitants)
  15. Yutbash (160 inhabitants)

Manuel Gutierrez Najera, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Chimtic
Postal Code: 29320
