Schools in Chen Hoc (Chiapas)
The education in the town of Chen Hoc is of high quality, and physical education or distance education must be taken into account. Schools in the State of Chiapas.
Good schools in the Municipality of Chenalhó.
In the following towns in the municipality of Chenalhó live the students who attend the listed schools.
- Bachén de Poconichim (193 inhabitants)
- Campo los Toros (479 inhabitants)
- Canolal (402 inhabitants)
- El Tzac (67 inhabitants)
- Konlumtic (160 inhabitants)
- La Libertad (450 inhabitants)
- Nuevo Canolal (125 inhabitants)
- Oximbo (147 inhabitants)
- Sacchén (88 inhabitants)
- San Francisco (280 inhabitants)
- Shunuch (360 inhabitants)
- Stenlejtic (144 inhabitants)
- Tzeltal (848 inhabitants)
- Xokil-Uk'Um (68 inhabitants)
- Yibel Osil (106 inhabitants)