Schools in Cacalotan (Sinaloa, Sinaloa)

We have many schools in Cacalotan (Sinaloa). Browse through the list below to analyze educational platform or classroom hours and make a good choice for your children's school.

Find out about the best schools in the Sinaloa Municipality.

From these localities of the municipality of Sinaloa children attend the following schools.
  1. Aguaje del Chato (6 inhabitants)
  2. Basurina (6 inhabitants)
  3. Buragüe (83 inhabitants)
  4. Corral Falso (17 inhabitants)
  5. El Amapal (230 inhabitants)
  6. El Barranco (5 inhabitants)
  7. El Caimán (Margen Derecho) (552 inhabitants)
  8. El Veranito (86 inhabitants)
  9. La Higuera (65 inhabitants)
  10. La Pasadita (7 inhabitants)
  11. Las Trancas (31 inhabitants)
  12. Los Naranjos (10 inhabitants)
  13. Pino Gordo (3 inhabitants)
  14. Plan de Ocote (- inhabitants)
  15. Potrero de Bernal (11 inhabitants)

Guadalupe Victoria, Elementary Education (Elementary Conafe)

Type: Public (Mexican Federal, Organismo Descentralizado De La Secretaria De Educacion Publica)
School hours: Morning
Postal Code: 81980
