Schools in Buenavista (Santiago Tilantongo, Oaxaca)
Where to study in Buenavista? In the State of Oaxaca and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Computers or students are important data to analyze.
In the Municipality of Santiago Tilantongo there is a high quality of educational centers.
Numerous localities in Santiago Tilantongo supply the schools with pupils.
- Buenavista (92 inhabitants)
- Galeana (126 inhabitants)
- General Vicente Guerrero (135 inhabitants)
- Guadalupe Hidalgo (232 inhabitants)
- Guadalupe Llano de las Avispas (35 inhabitants)
- La Labor (10 inhabitants)
- Las Flores Tilantongo (140 inhabitants)
- Monte Negro (20 inhabitants)
- Narciso Mendoza (58 inhabitants)
- Nuhduu' (54 inhabitants)
- San Isidro (60 inhabitants)
- San Martín de las Palmas (219 inhabitants)
- Santiago Tilantongo (519 inhabitants)
- Yuuku-Yaquuz (24 inhabitants)
- Zaragoza (130 inhabitants)