Schools in Borregos Quemados (Borregos) (Chihuahua)

Classroom hours or educational platform are important when choosing a school in Borregos Quemados (Borregos) (Chihuahua). Get all the facts.

Where to study in the Municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo.

In the following towns in the municipality of Guadalupe y Calvo live the students who attend the listed schools.
  1. Bajío de San Julián (Piedra Larga) (81 inhabitants)
  2. Calabazas (6 inhabitants)
  3. Cosoachi (20 inhabitants)
  4. El Agua Fría (4 inhabitants)
  5. El Rebelde (19 inhabitants)
  6. La Cumbrita de Valdenebro (13 inhabitants)
  7. La Joya (17 inhabitants)
  8. La Quebrada (1 inhabitants)
  9. Lechuguillas (15 inhabitants)
  10. Los Napuchis (11 inhabitants)
  11. Pachochi (11 inhabitants)
  12. Puerto Calabazas (2 inhabitants)
  13. Puerto Rodríguez (5 inhabitants)
  14. San Simón (Calabazas) (189 inhabitants)
  15. Vainorito (5 inhabitants)

Gabriel Teporaka, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Address: Borregos Quemados (borregos)
