Schools in Bachén de Poconichim (Chiapas)

We have many schools in Bachén de Poconichim (Chiapas). Browse through the list below to analyze computers or educational platform and make a good choice for your children's school.

Good schools in the Municipality of Chenalhó.

The students of these schools come from other towns in the municipality of Chenalhó.
  1. Benito Juárez (187 inhabitants)
  2. Chenalhó (4369 inhabitants)
  3. Chuchtic (293 inhabitants)
  4. Guadalupe Yaxgemel (99 inhabitants)
  5. Juan Diego X'Oyep (138 inhabitants)
  6. Kaket Ixim (97 inhabitants)
  7. Kakumchich (92 inhabitants)
  8. Las Delicias (400 inhabitants)
  9. Majomut (292 inhabitants)
  10. Miguel Utrilla (Los Chorros) (1237 inhabitants)
  11. Primera Fracción Naranjatic Bajo (171 inhabitants)
  12. Santo Ch'En (254 inhabitants)
  13. Titojtic (271 inhabitants)
  14. Yabteclum Fracción Dos (1101 inhabitants)
  15. Yocventana (449 inhabitants)

Felipe Wenceslao Mijangos, Elementary Education (General Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
Address: Paraje Bachen
Postal Code: 29870
