Schools in Arroyo Hondo (Mezquital, Durango)

Teachers or distance education are important when choosing a school in Arroyo Hondo (Durango). Get all the facts.

Good schools in the Municipality of Mezquital.

Find out the localities of Mezquital from where the children go to school.
  1. Agua Prieta (16 inhabitants)
  2. Buena Vista (22 inhabitants)
  3. Charco Largo (42 inhabitants)
  4. Copales (- inhabitants)
  5. Cuevitas (31 inhabitants)
  6. Encino Verde (- inhabitants)
  7. Epifanio Santana Cervantes (9 inhabitants)
  8. Isquelta (22 inhabitants)
  9. La Buenavista (5 inhabitants)
  10. La Cruz (8 inhabitants)
  11. La Mesa del Águila (104 inhabitants)
  12. Las Colmenas (19 inhabitants)
  13. Llano de Tejónes (14 inhabitants)
  14. Los Zancudos (5 inhabitants)
  15. Santo Niño (- inhabitants)

Ipolito Mijares Montiel, Early Childhood Education (Educacion Inicial Indigena)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Postal Code: 34990

Pochotl, Elementary Education (indigenous Elementary)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Intermittent
Postal Code: 34990
