Schools in Agua Blanca (Sinaloa, Sinaloa)

The education in the town of Agua Blanca is of high quality, and classroom hours or educational platform must be taken into account. Schools in the State of Sinaloa.

Good schools in the Municipality of Sinaloa.

The towns of Sinaloa have many children who attend the local schools on this page.
  1. Adolfo González Olguín Ganadera Olguín (1 inhabitants)
  2. Chinobampo (1 inhabitants)
  3. El Amapal de Ocoroni (9 inhabitants)
  4. El Bagre (2 inhabitants)
  5. El Desmonte (3 inhabitants)
  6. El Pilar (4 inhabitants)
  7. Garate [Garate (1 inhabitants)
  8. La Cruz (6 inhabitants)
  9. La Cruz de Piedra (3 inhabitants)
  10. Las Tunas de Arriba (69 inhabitants)
  11. Piedras Blancas (- inhabitants)
  12. Potrero de Alvarado (20 inhabitants)
  13. Ruiz Cortines Número Uno (602 inhabitants)
  14. San Bruno (2 inhabitants)
  15. Vallecito (- inhabitants)

Preescolar Rural Alternativa, Elementary Education (General Preschool)

Type: Public (State level, Transferred Mexican Federal)
School hours: Morning
