Schools in Acatitla (Astacinga, Veracruz)
Where to study in Acatitla? In the State of Veracruz and in this town there is a diversity of schools. Distance education or classroom hours are important data to analyze.
Where to study in the Municipality of Astacinga.
In the following towns in the municipality of Astacinga live the students who attend the listed schools.
- Acatitla (650 inhabitants)
- Acuayucan (666 inhabitants)
- Astacinga (966 inhabitants)
- Buena Vista (621 inhabitants)
- Buenos Aires (91 inhabitants)
- Choapa (259 inhabitants)
- Comolica (355 inhabitants)
- Cuatipanca (418 inhabitants)
- Cuauhtzoyuca (121 inhabitants)
- Huapango (626 inhabitants)
- Lomapa (72 inhabitants)
- Mapachica (94 inhabitants)
- Rancho Nuevo (135 inhabitants)
- Tecpantzacualco (43 inhabitants)
- Zacatla (123 inhabitants)