Municipality of Villanueva

All the data of the municipality of Villanueva, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Villanueva, Malpaso, or Tayahua (San José de Tayahua).

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Zacatecas.

Which is my place if I live in Villanueva?

Villanueva is a Municipality of 29395 inhabitants, placed in the State of Zacatecas, with a fertility rate of 3.17 children per woman. 6.25% of the population migrated from outside the State of Zacatecas. 0.22% of the population is indigenous, 0.13% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

96.30% of the inhabitants of Villanueva are Catholic, 44.33% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.28% are employed. Additionally, 93.96% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.97% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Villanueva do most people live?

According to our statistics of Villanueva, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Villanueva? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Villanueva through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Villanueva. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Villanueva. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villanueva.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Villanueva

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Villanueva:

Which is my place if I live in Villanueva?

Adjuntas del Refugio (Las Adjuntas) (317 inhabitants)
Agua Rica (- inhabitants)
Atitanac (410 inhabitants)
Belén de la Sierra (18 inhabitants)
Boca de Rivera (427 inhabitants)
Colonia Adolfo López Mateos (Majadas) (163 inhabitants)
Colonia Benito Juárez (San Ignacio) (27 inhabitants)
Colonia del Carmen (La Boquilla) (291 inhabitants)
Colonia Emiliano Zapata (El Jaral) (195 inhabitants)
Colonia Felipe Ángeles (1121)
Colonia Gustavo Díaz Ordaz (Tortugas) (30)
Colonia la Colorada (10)
Colonia Lázaro Cárdenas (100)
Colonia Morelos (10)
Colonia Pedro Ruiz González (La Magueyera) (88)
Consejo Tutelar para Menores (94)
El Barranco (-)
El Carcelero (6)
El Cócono (Santa Anita) (3)
El Colorado (46)
El Crucero (5)
El Dólar (2)
El Fanfarrón (1)
El Fuerte (738)
El Gato (2)
El Jagüey (433)
El Madroño del Río (4)
El Molino (7)
La Lentejuela (5)
El Nuevo Tigre (66)
El Ojo de Agua del Coyote (-)
El Pantano (187)
El Potrerito (-)
El Puente Viejo (3)
El Reparo (4)
El Rosario (-)
El Salitre (88)
El Salto (536)
El Salto del Agua Caliente (4)
Colonia Miguel Hidalgo (El Saucillo) (25)
El Saucito (54)
El Socorro (55)
El Solitario (5)
El Soyate (El Zoyate) (1)
El Tigre (556)
El Uncidero (El Refugio) (225)
El Vergel (183)
El Zapote (-)
El Zapotillo (17)
Félix Vega (-)
Francisco I. Madero (Santa Rosa) (174)
Francisco Villa (El Caballete) (278)
General Francisco Murguía (366)
Guadalupe de Chicomostoc (Chicomostoc) (13)
Héctor Vera García (-)
Japalaca (5)
Juan Miguel (-)
Juana Antonia (2)
La Cañada (Puente de Coyotes) (4)
La Campana (-)
La Encarnación (565)
La Hiedra (4)
La Joya de Abajo (-)
La Junta de los Ríos (20)
La Loma (-)
La Loma (Marciana de la Cruz Guerrero) (29)
La Magdalena (44)
La Media Luna (-)
La Mesa de los Patos (5)
La Ordeña (36)
La Palmita (3)
La Peña (1)
La Primavera (El Columpio) (9)
La Puerta del Río (24)
La Quemada (Hacienda la Quemada) (987)
La Taberna (-)
La Tinaja (15)
La Veta (6)
La Victoria (2)
Laguna de las Rosas (La Laguna) (44)
Laguna del Carretero (317)
Las Canteritas (7)
Las Golondrinas (-)
Las Lagunas (-)
Las Manguitas (-)
Las Pilas (36)
Las Trojes (2)
Las Varas (13)
Los Caños (134)
La Mezquitera (5)
Los Pilares (61)
Los Pocitos (8)
Los Santoyo (-)
Malpaso (3910)
Maravillas (111)
Miguel Pineda (2)
Noche Buena (La Puerta de la Parida) (-)
Nuevo México (-)
Ojo de Agua del Tigre (34)
Ojo de Agua Grande (6)
Palomas Viejas (San Francisco de la Sierra) (48)
Paso de los Arados (1)
Pitón (5)
Presa de Maravillas (114)
Presillas (Jesús Collazo) (1)
Rancho Chiquito (Juan de la Cruz Guerrero) (34)
Rancho Hacienda de Morones (-)
Rancho Hermanos Álvarez (10)
Rancho La Mezquitera (4)
Rancho La Mora (7)
Rancho Lindavista (6)
Rancho Los Pinos (20)
Rancho Montecarlos (1)
Rancho San José (6)
Rancho Santa Lucía (Jesús Rodríguez) (-)
Rancho Santa Teresita (5)
Río de San Cristóbal (-)
San Alejo (4)
San Antonio de las Huertas (51)
San Cayetano (1)
San Diego (170)
San Francisco (2)
San Gabriel (1)
San Isidro (25)
San José (90)
San José de Bellavista (El Ranchito) (-)
San José de la Palmita (1)
San Juan de Atitanac (42)
San Marcos (7)
San Miguel (164)
San Tadeo de las Flores (50)
Santa Teresita (-)
Saucillo (4)
Sauz (-)
Tamasuca (-)
Tarasco (San Antonio de Tarasco) (517)
Tayahua (San José de Tayahua) (2231)
Tenango (196)
Tilano (1)
Tuxtuac (83)
Vaqueros (-)
Villa Zaragoza (Palo Gordo) (31)
Villanueva (13641)
Viveros de Pancho Villa Yolanda García Aguilera (8)
Zapoqui (132)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Villanueva:

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