Municipality of Ojocaliente

All the data of the municipality of Ojocaliente, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Ojocaliente, La Capilla (San Isidro de Moradillas), or San Cristóbal.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Zacatecas.

Which is my place if I live in Ojocaliente?

Ojocaliente is a Municipality of 40740 inhabitants, placed in the State of Zacatecas, with a fertility rate of 2.94 children per woman. 8.23% of the population migrated from outside the State of Zacatecas. 0.27% of the population is indigenous, 0.09% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

95.39% of the inhabitants of Ojocaliente are Catholic, 44.68% are economically active and, within this active population, 91.07% are employed. Additionally, 94.52% of the dwellings have piped water and 5.59% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Ojocaliente do most people live?

According to our statistics of Ojocaliente, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Ojocaliente? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Ojocaliente through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Ojocaliente. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Ojocaliente. As an example, you can find towns and places around Ojocaliente.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Ojocaliente

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Ojocaliente:

Which is my place if I live in Ojocaliente?

Boquillas (83 inhabitants)
Buenavista (669 inhabitants)
Centro el Bordo (- inhabitants)
Cerrito de la Cruz (1167 inhabitants)
Cerrito del Agua (720 inhabitants)
Comercializadora Productos Agropecuarios (- inhabitants)
Dolores (69 inhabitants)
El Chaparral (2 inhabitants)
El Chepinque (224 inhabitants)
El Cono (Hermanos García) (5)
El Huizachal (Leopoldo Sagredo) (1)
El Mascorro (1)
El Mirador (2)
El Nuevo Día (1)
El Olvido (Alfonso Flores Alvarado) (2)
El Pachoncito (34)
El Porvenir (-)
El Refugio (921)
El Retoño (-)
El Sotol (16)
El Talayote (10)
El Tepozán (-)
Enrique Mayorga Hernández (3)
Estación Palmira (273)
Fortino Parga (3)
Fraccionamiento Marigorda (El Jacalito) (4)
Granja Bajío San Antonio de los Milagros (-)
Granja Las Margaritas (Eliseo Martínez) (-)
Granja Las Minas (1)
Granjas Licenciado Benito Juárez (Hermanos Herrera) (25)
Industrial Zacatecana Pabertrón (3)
Jacarandas (11)
Jarillas (Ex-Hacienda de Jarillas) (862)
La Alcaparra (Nicolás Martínez Alvarado) (2)
La Aurora (-)
La Capilla (San Isidro de Moradillas) (1774)
La Cejita (-)
La Cejita (Gustavo Germán García Flores) (-)
La Concepción (1552)
La Ermita (Tirso Reyes) (3)
La Escondida (Parritas) (4)
La Esquina del Potrero (5)
La Ilusión (1)
Invernadero Ideas Verdes (4)
La Palmita (4)
La Peña Colorada (-)
La Providencia (24)
La Verde (262)
Laguna del Hormiguero (7)
Las Adjuntas (-)
Las Bocas (2)
Las Coloradas (560)
Las Ladrilleras (5)
Las Lajas (553)
Licenciada Gloria Jara (3)
Lluvia de Estrellas (-)
Los Arroyos (San Miguel) (-)
Los Memelos (14)
Los Naranjones (1)
Los Pinos (1)
Manuel Espino (9)
Milagros (1512)
Nuevo Mundo (721)
Ojocaliente (22295)
Palmillas (902)
Papantón Viejo (El Coloradito) (-)
Pastoría (1133)
Perales (39)
Pirorreal (2)
Plan de la Rata (Bajío de la Rata) (7)
Pozo de Jacob (9)
Pozo de Jarillas (1482)
Presa Rancho Viejo (3)
Presita de Acapulco (29)
Rancho Alfesugo (La Casa Blanca) (-)
Rancho Astorga (-)
Rancho de los Rivera (3)
Rancho el Molino (3)
Rancho El Suspiro (5)
Rancho El Trébol (Ingeniero Alfonso Támez Mireles) (4)
Rancho Guadalupe (Salvador Martínez) (2)
Rancho Korina (-)
Rancho La Cruz (20)
Rancho La Gripa (El Gringo) (-)
Rancho La Loma Linda (La Loma) (37)
Rancho La Luz (Piedra Blanca) (7)
Rancho Loma Larga (79)
Rancho Los Arados (5)
Rancho Los Ángeles (Los Vitar) (-)
Rancho Olga Santos (2)
Rancho Olivia (-)
Rancho Potrero de la Asunción (Javier A.P.) (6)
Rancho Ricardo Sagredo (San Isidro) (-)
Rancho Rivera (San Rafael) (-)
Rancho San Felipe de Jesús (Rancho Lupita) (7)
Rancho San José (2)
Rancho San Marcos (9)
Rancho Santa Teresa (-)
Rancho Santa Teresa (4)
Rancho Viejo (San Ignacio) (3)
Villa San Francisco (2)
Rodolfo Olvera Martínez (1)
San Agustín (3)
San Antonio de las Adjuntas (-)
San Antonio del Volcán (San Antonio) (287)
San Blas de Copudas (9)
San Blas de Copudas (El Tildío) (258)
San Cristóbal (1903)
San Ignacio (Pascual Alvarado González) (1)
San Ignacio (Rancho Epifanio Martínez) (-)
San José de Jarillas (Rancho de los Ovalle) (123)
San José de los Llanos (407)
San José del Vaquero (98)
San Juan de Carboneras (San Juan Zinhaua) (351)
San Martín de Porres (2)
San Miguel (4)
San Miguel (4)
Santa María de la Paz (Los Álamos) (2)
Santa Rita de Casia (-)
Santa Rosa (19)
Santa Rosa (Las Mangas) (8)
Santo Tomás (332)
Santo Tomás Venaditos (Venaditos) (796)
Sauceda de Mulatos (602)
Tlacotes (589)
Triana (87)
Viñedos Yolanda (3)
Villa Sacramento (3)
Viñedos Gombos (-)
Viñedos La Alcaparra (15)
Viñedos Purísima (1)
Viñedos Sacramento (-)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Ojocaliente:

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