Municipality of Tlacotalpan

All the data of the municipality of Tlacotalpan, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Tlacotalpan, Boca de San Miguel, or Pérez y Jiménez.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Which is my place if I live in Tlacotalpan?

Tlacotalpan is a Municipality of 13284 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.49 children per woman. 3.29% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 0.65% of the population is indigenous, 0.23% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

85.98% of the inhabitants of Tlacotalpan are Catholic, 49.64% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.35% are employed. Additionally, 55.44% of the dwellings have piped water and 11.95% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Tlacotalpan do most people live?

According to our statistics of Tlacotalpan, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Tlacotalpan? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Tlacotalpan through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Tlacotalpan. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Tlacotalpan. As an example, you can find towns and places around Tlacotalpan.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Tlacotalpan

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Tlacotalpan:

Which is my place if I live in Tlacotalpan?

Alicia Aguirre Rodríguez (4 inhabitants)
Antón Vicente (3 inhabitants)
Arroyo de la Barranca (Colonia los Cobos) (16 inhabitants)
Barranca de Limón (4 inhabitants)
Boca de Martintela (49 inhabitants)
Boca de Paredes (1 inhabitants)
Boca de San Antonio (9 inhabitants)
Boca de San Miguel (450 inhabitants)
Boca del Barco (Boca de San Juan) (44 inhabitants)
Boca del Sauce (-)
Bodeguillas (38)
Buen País (3)
Buena Vista (4)
Buenos Aires (1)
Bugambilia (106)
California (6)
Camarilla (3)
Casas Viejas (178)
Cerro de la Calaverna (-)
Cerro de la Gallarda (39)
Cerro Grande (-)
Chapultepec (Chapultes) (50)
Chinalco (13)
Consolación (20)
David Zamudio Mora (-)
Doña Celia (9)
El Bajo (-)
El Benusto (Mata Cabresto) (4)
El Cable (-)
El Calabozo (1)
El Ciruelo (62)
El Ciruelo (9)
El Espinal (19)
El Esterillo (3)
El Estero (1)
El Guayabo (-)
El Hornero (Francisco J. Moreno) (98)
El Hueso (-)
El Jarocho (El Hatillo) (9)
El Jobo (3)
El Jobo (21)
El Limón (San José de Cházaro) (70)
El Maneadero (-)
El Marqués (47)
El Nacaste (119)
El Paraíso (7)
El Paraíso (7)
El Pájaro (21)
El Pepe (9)
El Piotitán (5)
El Rincón de Gertrudis (22)
El Sacrificio (-)
Ejido el Saladito (4)
El Súchil Dos (106)
El Súchil Uno (126)
El Triunfo (Camarón) (-)
El Vergel (La Berenjena) (7)
El Volantín (16)
El Zapotal (Puente) (5)
El Zapote (16)
Fuente Bella (-)
Hacienda Vieja (64)
Isleta del Gavilán (-)
La Barranca (31)
La Calaverna (3)
La Caldera (6)
La Candelaria (26)
La Candelaria (121)
La Carbonera (107)
La Cerquilla (27)
La Corriente (22)
La Discordia (-)
La Escuincla (2)
La Esperanza (3)
La Esperanza (5)
La Galera (4)
La Gallarda (33)
La Guadalupe (76)
La Herradura (-)
La Magdalena (24)
La Morelos (-)
La Mulata (7)
La Paciencia (-)
La Palmita (7)
La Paloma (4)
La Patrona (19)
La Paz (Poblado Grupo la Paz) (52)
La Providencia (5)
La Providencia (-)
La Puente (12)
La Punta del Dormido (-)
La Quinta María (-)
La Vuelta de la Iguana (-)
La Vuelta de San Mateo (4)
Laguna Verde (-)
Las Amapolas (221)
Las Canillas (4)
Las Conchas (6)
Las Palmas (2)
Lina Aguirre Pérez (2)
Linda Vista (172)
Loma de Chumiapa (-)
Loma del Paité (-)
Los Amates (5)
Los Cocos (-)
Los Jobos Altos (Sal si Puedes) (6)
Los Zapotillos (77)
Los Zapotillos (7)
Mano Perdida (La Nueva Reforma) (166)
María Elvira (-)
María Ofelia (2)
Martín Delgado (-)
Mata de Caña (8)
Mata de Chile (72)
Milpero (4)
Montepío (-)
Mundo Nuevo (5)
Nueva Era (150)
Palma Sola (67)
Palo Alto (Barranca del Limón) (42)
Paraíso de la Silva (-)
Paván (6)
Pérez y Jiménez (385)
Playa de la Gloria (42)
Playa de las Águilas (La Vuelta del Águila) (19)
Playa Martínez (25)
Pueblo Nuevo (4)
Rancho Bonito (Casa Blanca) (3)
Rancho Viejo (-)
Remolino de Aguilera (113)
Remolino de Paván (86)
Rodolfo Muñoz Montalvo (1)
Samuel Zamudio Mora (3)
San Agustín (19)
San Antonio (118)
San Bernardino (2)
San Bernardo (Camino Real) (-)
San Felipe (12)
San Francisco de los Cocos (-)
San Francisco los Cocos (La Guadalupe) (356)
San Isidro (54)
San Jerónimo (62)
San Joaquín (12)
San Joaquín (11)
San José de Cházaro (47)
San Julián (1)
San Mateo (74)
San Modesto (104)
San Pablo (1)
San Pedro (60)
San Pedro (-)
San Rafael (3)
San Rodrigo (9)
San Ruperto (23)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Fe (45)
Santa Julia (99)
Santa Rita (21)
Santa Rosalía (58)
Santo Cristo (3)
Seis de Enero (68)
Sombrerete (5)
Tabaco (11)
Tamos Aguilera (8)
Tierra Nueva (Ejido el Zapotal) (42)
Tlacotalpan (7287)
Tres Bocas (34)
Triana (3)
Vuelta de Piotitán (10)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Tlacotalpan:

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