Municipality of José Azueta

All the data of the municipality of José Azueta, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Villa Azueta, Linda Vista, or Estación Dobladero (Dobladero).

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Which is my place if I live in José Azueta?

José Azueta is a Municipality of 23999 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.66 children per woman. 8.69% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 3.04% of the population is indigenous, 1.88% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.03% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

59.07% of the inhabitants of José Azueta are Catholic, 44.71% are economically active and, within this active population, 95.27% are employed. Additionally, 50.77% of the dwellings have piped water and 4.44% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of José Azueta do most people live?

According to our statistics of José Azueta, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about José Azueta? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of José Azueta through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of José Azueta. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of José Azueta. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villa Azueta.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of José Azueta

List with all the towns in the Municipality of José Azueta:

Which is my place if I live in José Azueta?

Agua Clarita (- inhabitants)
Agua Fría (234 inhabitants)
Ampliación Ejido San Antonio (59 inhabitants)
Aristeo Mora (22 inhabitants)
Arroyo de la Cruz (5 inhabitants)
Benito López Sánchez (- inhabitants)
Bonifacio León Ortiz (- inhabitants)
Buena Esperanza (- inhabitants)
Buena Vista (64 inhabitants)
Buenos Aires (5)
Carlos Aguilar Rangel (-)
El Zapote (38)
Centauro del Norte (29)
Cirilo Martínez (-)
Colonia Rubén R. Jaramillo (251)
Cujuliapan (920)
Curazao (818)
Diego Martínez Cortés (6)
El Almendro (7)
El Cado (Rancho Betania) (3)
El Café y Anexas (177)
El Carrizal (Majahual) (87)
El Chaparral (5)
El Coyolito (27)
El Crucero (69)
El Crucero (23)
El Diamante (-)
El Diamante (7)
El Guayabo (7)
El Hitamo (11)
El Huasteco (4)
El Huracán (7)
El Maguey (617)
El Nuevo Maguey (83)
El Nuevo Paraíso (El Limón) (17)
El Nuevo Progreso (22)
El Otate (4)
El Otate (8)
El Parral (-)
El Pomelo (-)
El Remolino (36)
El Remolino (-)
El Rosario (5)
El Tamarindo (El Saladero) (1)
El Zapote (-)
El Zorral (22)
Eliseo Rodríguez Pérez (-)
Emilio Goldorena (-)
Estación Dobladero (1226)
Pedro Cruz Reyes (4)
Fidel Ángel (1)
Guadalupe Cristo (-)
Hipólito Mora Márquez (-)
Imosa (1)
Inés Martínez Reyes (4)
Jobo Grande (32)
Severo Torres (-)
Josefina Alderete (1)
Juan García (563)
Juan Martínez Rivera (-)
Juan Mulato (322)
Julián Pérez (-)
Julián Torres Armas (12)
La Boca (40)
La Capilla (-)
La Carmelita (13)
La Cuatezona (36)
La Divina Providencia (3)
La Esperanza (-)
La Florida Norte (-)
La Florida Sur (261)
La Gloria (335)
La Guadalupe (415)
La Guadalupe (-)
La Guadalupe II (14)
La Jimba (20)
La Laguna (-)
La Negrita (-)
La Nueva Esperanza (147)
La Peña (5)
La Peroteña (-)
La Platanera (-)
La Puente (10)
La Reforma (155)
La Texanita (4)
La Vuelta de Silvarán (7)
Laguna Verde (19)
Las Bugambilias (-)
Las Cadenas (359)
Las Cruces (La Gallina) (141)
Las Hojas (80)
Las Iguanas (119)
Las Margaritas (-)
Las Palmas (-)
Linda Vista (2643)
Llanete (43)
Loma Alta (7)
Los Abalcones (-)
Los Ángeles (3)
Los Cerros (1)
Los Chomos (El Diamante) (-)
Los Framboyanes (5)
Los Manguitos (5)
Los Marines (18)
Manuel Álvarez Mayo (3)
Manzanillo (264)
El Llano (-)
Monte Rico (-)
Nuevo San José (Cerro de Oro) (165)
Otilio López (-)
Paso de la Virgen (193)
Pepetaca (-)
Playa Tenejapan (26)
Pueblo Nuevo (237)
Ramie Nuevo (143)
Rancho Alegre (19)
Rancho Alegre (-)
Alejandro Serapio Montero (7)
Ana Lilia (-)
Rancho Barajas (-)
Rancho Benancia (-)
Rancho Capa (Bajo de Capa) (-)
Carlos Azamar (-)
Rancho Claro (3)
El Huasteco (5)
Ernesto Ripol (1)
Jorge Vázquez Mundo (5)
La Esperanza (5)
La Guadalupe (1)
La Soledad (6)
La Trinidad (3)
Las Torres (6)
Los Tamés (-)
Rancho Montana (3)
Rancho Nuevo (19)
Rancho Nuevo la Palma (12)
Rancho Saltillo (-)
Tres Hermanos (4)
Tres Hermanos Castillo (4)
Raúl Alemán (3)
Reyes Torres y Malpica (El Palmar) (-)
Rosa Aldana Ocampo (5)
Rubén R. Jaramillo (-)
Ruth Ramos (-)
San Antonio de Bravo (264)
San Aurelio (-)
San Jerónimo (610)
San José (-)
San José Atitlán (3)
San Luis (277)
San Luis Viejo (13)
San Ramón (16)
Santa Elena (12)
Santa Fe (19)
Santa Margarita (10)
Santa Mónica (7)
Sergio Carmona (-)
Silvino Jiménez Mora (15)
Tamarindo I (16)
Tenejapan (Tenejapan de Mata) (653)
Tesechoacán (1256)
Tierra y Libertad (53)
Tinaja de Mata (61)
Tres Lagunas (174)
Valerio Hernández (-)
Veinticuatro de Febrero (111)
Veracrucito (80)
Vicente Guerrero (El Aguacate) (910)
Villa Azueta (6219)
Yaguas (14)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of José Azueta:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave