Municipality of Jáltipan

All the data of the municipality of Jáltipan, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Jáltipan de Morelos, Las Lomas de Tacamichapan, or Ahuatepec.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Which is my place if I live in Jáltipan?

Jáltipan is a Municipality of 39673 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.34 children per woman. 8.20% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 3.56% of the population is indigenous, 1.51% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.01% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

63.97% of the inhabitants of Jáltipan are Catholic, 50.22% are economically active and, within this active population, 94.77% are employed. Additionally, 46.24% of the dwellings have piped water and 10.44% have Internet access.

In which towns in the municipality of Jáltipan do most people live?

According to our statistics of Jáltipan, these are the four most important towns in terms of population:

Interested in learning more statistics about Jáltipan? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Jáltipan through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Jáltipan. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Jáltipan. As an example, you can find towns and places around Jáltipan de Morelos.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Jáltipan

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Jáltipan:

Which is my place if I live in Jáltipan?

Acapulco (- inhabitants)
Agua Azul (- inhabitants)
Ahuacatepec (202 inhabitants)
Ahuatepec (523 inhabitants)
El Amate (- inhabitants)
Anáhuac (108 inhabitants)
Arroyo Blanco (25 inhabitants)
Ayotota (7 inhabitants)
Boca de Monzapan (17 inhabitants)
Boca de Mozapan (8)
Boquiapan (103)
Brisa del Río (1)
Buenavista de la Asunción (287)
Camino a Conchiniapa (1)
Casas Viejas (160)
Catemaco (1)
Chacalapa (-)
Chiquipixta (1)
Colonia Fidel Herrera (136)
Colonia los Martínez (23)
Crispín Primo Blanco (8)
Cuacuyulapa (-)
El Aguacate (4)
El Basurero (13)
El Betel (-)
El Cedro (-)
El Chico (-)
El Chorrito (119)
El Comalcahuite (2)
El Conde (1)
El Doscientos Cuarenta (-)
El Frutal (1)
El Grillo Tres (3)
El Kilómetro Cuarenta y Seis (Rancho Uriel) (-)
El Malacate (-)
El Mangal (-)
El Mango (Sabas Lemarroy) (-)
El Mariscal (1)
El Mirador (14)
El Naranjito (-)
El Negro (-)
El Nueve (9)
El Palmar (19)
El Palmar (-)
El Piñal (3)
El Pijul (4)
El Piñal (Rubén Prieto Salazar) (9)
El Potrerillo (-)
El Progreso (-)
El Progreso (1)
El Regalo (9)
El Remolino Chico de Mesguaya (3)
El Robalo (7)
El Sarazil (5)
El Vergel (4)
Eleuterio Gómez Fernández (-)
Emiliano Zapata (141)
Emiliano Zapata Salazar (48)
Está Cabrón (-)
Finca el Arenal (4)
Finca la Esperanza (2)
Finca la Malinche (-)
Finca Melina (-)
Flor del Itsmo (10)
Gabriela Durán Florente (-)
Gerónimo Torres de la Cruz (15)
Gerónimo Francisco (4)
Granja Chinameca (-)
Granja San Rafael Dos (47)
Hermanos Soto (-)
Inés Rodríguez (4)
Isabel Ortiz Sánchez (3)
Ixpuchapan (233)
Jáltipan de Morelos (31856)
Jorge Pérez Torres (5)
Juan de la Barrera (111)
Juan Rosario Ruiz (-)
Julián Escribano Dionicio (7)
Kilómetro Cincuenta (95)
Kilómetro Cuarenta y Nueve (2)
La Arena (-)
La Ciénega (315)
La Curva (Alajuela) (2)
La Escollera (2)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (Kilómetro 51) (2)
La Estación (10)
La Gimba (4)
La Gloria (32)
La Gloria (-)
La Gravera (3)
La Guadalupe (-)
La Horqueta (25)
La Joya (4)
La Ladrillera (-)
La Lajilla (306)
La Noria (7)
La Pirinola (5)
La Reata (-)
La Reforma (-)
La Sabana (4)
La Victoria (46)
La Virgen (4)
Largavista (8)
Las Bugambilias (3)
Las Cañas (-)
Las Flores (38)
Las Galeras (297)
Las Lomas de Tacamichapan (1013)
Las Pozas (6)
Las Praderas (25)
Las Tinajas (4)
Las Torres (-)
Leonardo Lara García (-)
Lomas Cuatas (-)
Los Capulines (-)
Los Castaños (-)
Los Colorines (6)
Los Encinos (El Sarasil) (5)
Los Framboyanes (-)
Los Mangos (-)
Los Naranjos (El Apompal) (3)
Los Pérez (-)
Los Pinos (1)
Los Pistaches (3)
Los Reyes (2)
Los Reyes (-)
Los Tulipanes (2)
Lote Veintiuno (-)
Luisa Hernández Gerónimo (-)
Malota (173)
Mata de Caña (-)
Mata de Palma (4)
Rancho Esteban (10)
Mi Ranchito (3)
Mi Ranchito (2)
Miguel Gómez (-)
Miguel Rivera Muñoz (-)
Mixtán (176)
Molina (2)
Oscar Luna (-)
Oscar Villarreal (2)
Paso de Boquiapan (23)
Patricia Isabel (El Petrolero) (2)
Pérez (-)
Petapa (-)
Poblado Cocuital (101)
Potrerillo (1)
Primero de Mayo (-)
Providencia (5)
Raúl Corona (-)
Rafael Domínguez Gómez (2)
Rancho Chico (11)
Rancho del Carmen (1)
Rancho Elim (1)
Rancho Gutiérrez (1)
Rancho Moriah (4)
Ranchoapan (463)
Sabaneta (2)
San Andrés (2)
San Antonio (96)
San Cirilo (1)
San Fernando (6)
San Jorge (1)
San Judas Tadeo (-)
San Lorenzo (484)
San Lorenzo (9)
San Pedro (5)
San Rafael (4)
San Silvestre (3)
San Soles (89)
Santa Ana (3)
Santa Elena (4)
Santa Rosa (1)
Tecolapa (-)
Tierra Blanca (2)
Tierra Colorada (46)
Tres Sitios (Tecolapa) (2)
Unimisur (-)
Vargas (Tecolapa) (-)
Vicente Dionisio Rosas (4)
Vista Hermosa (6)
Xochitanapa (1)
Yancuigapan (295)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Jáltipan:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave