Municipality of Catemaco

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Catemaco through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Catemaco, Sontecomapan, or La Victoria.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Catemaco?

Catemaco is a Municipality of 48593 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 2.49 children per woman. 3.71% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 1.77% of the population is indigenous, 0.67% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

81.61% of the inhabitants of Catemaco are Catholic, 48.43% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.23% are employed. Additionally, 90.53% of the dwellings have piped water and 6.87% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Catemaco?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Catemaco and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Catemaco? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Catemaco through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Catemaco. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Catemaco. As an example, you can find towns and places around Catemaco.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Catemaco

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Catemaco:

Which is my place if I live in Catemaco?

Adolfo López Mateos (El Marinero) (121 inhabitants)
Agua Caliente (5 inhabitants)
Agua Dulce (1 inhabitants)
Ahuacapan (9 inhabitants)
Ahuatepec (262 inhabitants)
Alberto Rosario (- inhabitants)
Alfredo Gutiérrez Morales (3 inhabitants)
Amayaga (8 inhabitants)
Ampliación de Sontecomapan (3 inhabitants)
Antonio Gracia Balderas (3)
Antonio Suárez (8)
Antonio Zetina (6)
Arroyo Agrio (6)
Arroyo Ancho (16)
Bajos de Mimiahua (288)
Barra de Sontecomapan (377)
Benito Juárez (459)
Benito Mayo (-)
Bernal (-)
Bianey (3)
Boca del Monte (7)
Bruno Martínez Escobar (8)
Buena Vista (1)
Cacahuateno (35)
California (6)
Calpultéolt (El Morro) (77)
Camura (2)
Carlos Cano Carmona (-)
Cascajal (8)
Catemaco (28655)
Chalchoapan (2)
Chalpa (-)
Chamena (1)
Chencho Cagal (1)
Chicalapa (-)
Chichiguesa (55)
Chipilar (3)
Xochocapan (-)
Chohuilapan (-)
Colina de las Águilas (4)
Colonia Adalberto Tejeda (36)
Colonia Bet-El (-)
Colonia Cerro Canseco (86)
Colonia el Águila (525)
Colonia Paraiso (-)
Colonia San Miguel (-)
Cortijo Sobrevals (2)
Coxcoapan (632)
Coyame (254)
Cuetzalapam (2)
Demetrio Carbajal (1)
Desviación a Ahuatepec (-)
Doctor Lavalle (2)
Don Arturo (4)
Dos Amates (595)
Dos Arroyos (115)
Dos Hermanos (1)
Ejido Amayaga (35)
El Acuyal (-)
El Águila (1)
El Carrizal (2)
El Cedral (3)
El Chaparral (Apollinta) (11)
El Chaparral (Los Carreón) (1)
El Chaparro (-)
El Chatarral (12)
El Chinini (1)
El Cocal (6)
El Cocal (Homero Cuberes) (2)
El Cochinito (6)
El Coyolar (Ejido Catemaco) (1)
El Delirio (7)
El Encanto (-)
El Encinal (-)
El Freno (4)
El Huerto (-)
El Jobo (130)
El Lagarto (3)
El Limón (-)
El Megatón (6)
El Mirador (9)
El Mirador (16)
El Mirador (-)
El Morrito (-)
El Naranjal (3)
El Naranjal (4)
El Negro (-)
El Nopo (1)
El Oasis (2)
El Palmar (-)
El Pedregal (4)
El Porvenir (14)
El Pozo (-)
El Raudal (Yohualtajapan) (8)
El Rayito (6)
El Real (322)
El Remolino (Los Amigos) (1)
El Súchil (2)
El Seno (12)
El Tauche (2)
El Trabonazo (-)
El Vergel de la Pasión (6)
El Zorro (2)
Elinor (1)
Emiliano Cinta (-)
Ampliación Limón (109)
Enrique Hernández (3)
Enrique Morales (-)
Excuinapan (34)
Expagoya (5)
Familia Herrera (1)
Fernando Enrique Jiménez (1)
Fernando Ochoa (-)
Fidencio Cuevas (-)
Fidencio Hernández (1)
Finca Escuinapan (3)
Finca Santa Rosa (7)
Fraccionamiento Totonicapan (26)
Galera Uno (5)
Gasparin (-)
Gil Valenzuela (-)
Gustavo Díaz Ordaz (201)
Hato Nuevo (14)
Isla Tanaspi (Isla Tanaspi) (1)
Jaddae (5)
Jesús Nápoles (-)
Jesús Xoli (-)
Jicacal (10)
José López Moreno (2)
Joselito Martínez (1)
Juan Pablo Cruz (1)
Juan Vega (2)
Juan Viveros Sánchez (1)
Karajito (5)
La Antigua (-)
La Antigua Pipiapan (-)
La Aurora (-)
La Bandera (4)
La Báscula (4)
La Cabaña del Tigre (-)
La Candelaria (821)
La Ceiba (2)
La Ceiba (Rancho Azul) (3)
La Ceiba (Mundo Pechi Luna) (5)
La Chorrera (7)
La Coordinadora (-)
La Esperanza (6)
La Esperanza (6)
La Espina (3)
La Finca (-)
La Flor de Catemaco (9)
La Golondrina (2)
La Gravera (-)
La Herradura (4)
La Herradura (Sobrebals) (6)
La Jungla (6)
La Margarita (265)
La Muralla (3)
La Nueva Esperanza (6)
La Palma (769)
La Patrona (2)
La Piedra (9)
La Providencia (161)
La Quinta Bugambilias (9)
La Reynita (5)
La Rivera (4)
La Selva (6)
La Victoria (1934)
Las Ánimas (Pancho Valencia) (7)
Las Ánimas Tegola (2)
Las Blancas Mariposas (-)
Las Bugambilias (5)
Las Flores (6)
Las Margaritas (-)
Limasta (1)
Limastla (7)
Limontajapan (1)
Linda Vista (-)
Los Carreón (7)
Los Chaneques (1)
Los Compadres (6)
Los Compadres (8)
Los Gavilanes (-)
Los Lirios (-)
Los Morritos (Agua Nacida) (148)
Los Pollos (16)
Lucio Blanco (-)
Maranatha (5)
Mario Souza (608)
Mata de Cucharas (2)
Matalcalcinta (177)
Maxacapan (929)
Maxacapan II (El Manila) (55)
Miguel Hidalgo (El Apompal) (550)
Mocoapan (2)
Mogar (6)
Mono Blanco (-)
Moreno Oliveros (9)
Nahum Portugal (2)
Naranjillo (-)
Nuevo México (3)
Ojo de Agua (5)
Ojoxapan (257)
Olotepec (503)
Palma Sola (6)
Parada Maribel (1)
Pedro Seba (-)
Península de Moreno (322)
Perla de San Martín (271)
Pesca (6)
Playa Azul (60)
Playa Escondida (5)
Poza Azul (16)
Poza Reyna (3)
Pozolapan (Cartagena) (697)
Puente Colorado (1)
Quimixotayo (9)
Quinta Amada (4)
Ramón Rivera (3)
Ramona Chipol Xolo (-)
Rancho Abascal (2)
Rancho Aguacate (11)
Rancho Alegre (2)
Rancho Alegre (4)
Rancho Alfonso Alonso Rendón (-)
Rancho Antonio Hernández (-)
Baldemar Xala (-)
Rancho Bandera (-)
Bartolo Constantino (-)
Rancho Basurera (-)
Carlos Ramírez (4)
Rancho Carreón (-)
Rancho Chagala (6)
Cintepec (-)
Rancho Cotija (7)
Rancho Coyame (5)
Rufino Hernández (5)
Rufino Medorio (La Playita) (3)
Doctor Pérez Ramos (-)
Familia Domínguez (-)
Rancho Don (3)
Don Andrés (2)
Don Hilario (1)
El Canario (4)
El Naranjal (-)
El Pasito (9)
El Sacrificio (Julián Mora) (7)
Rancho Escondido (4)
Rancho Escondido (3)
Rancho Félix Aguilera (-)
Guillermo Lavalle (3)
Huerta Inconclusa (5)
Humberto Lucho (4)
Jesús Avilés (-)
José Luis Cano (-)
La Escondida (2)
La Palma (1)
Rancho Lagunes (5)
Los Varela (-)
Rancho Marcos Pérez (-)
Miguel Carmona (2)
Rancho Mil (3)
Rancho Mimiahua (-)
Rancho Nadadores (-)
Néstor Hernández (4)
Rancho Nuevo (6)
Rancho Olotepec (7)
Rancho Paraíso (3)
Rancho Pipiapan (-)
Rancho Pipiapan (-)
Procopio González (-)
Rafael Limón (-)
Rancho Rodolfo Seda (-)
Rodrigo Reyes (-)
San Ángel (3)
San Francisco (5)
San José (5)
San Pedro Quimichostallo (-)
Familia Sánchez (-)
Rancho Stivalet (7)
Rancho Tomás (-)
Familia Turrent (10)
Rincón Largo (11)
Roca Negra (-)
Salvador Lagunes (3)
San Agustín (3)
San Ángel (5)
San Carlos (4)
San Francisco (2)
San Francisco (5)
San Gabriel (5)
San Joaquín (5)
San José (3)
San Juan Seco de Valencia (1194)
San Martín (El Bungalo) (9)
San Pedro (-)
San Rafael (119)
Santa Catalina (3)
Santa Cruz (-)
Santa Lucía (2)
Santa Lucía (-)
Santa María (4)
Santa Martha (5)
Santo Niño (4)
Santos Anota (1)
Solotepec (1)
Sontecomapan (2432)
Tacaná (3)
Tebanca (744)
Techalbaste (Mono Blanco) (-)
Telmo Lucho (-)
Temich (-)
Temolapan (277)
Tenamaxtle (-)
Teotepec (187)
Tepetapan (-)
Tepeyaga (18)
Toño Ramón (1)
Tres de Mayo (239)
Valle Verde (9)
Veraflor (8)
Victoria Urieta (-)
Villa Nuestra Señora del Carmen (7)
Vista Hermosa (-)
Vista Hermosa (-)
Viveros del Carmen (3)
Viveros La Orquídea (19)
Yualtajapan (4)
Zanja Honda (Los Cocos) (2)
Zapoapan de Cabañas (1378)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Catemaco:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave