Municipality of Atzalan

All the data of the municipality of Atzalan, with all the towns, from the smallest to the largest: Plan de Arroyos, Colonias Pedernales, or Atzalan.

Browse our list, and discover the photos, maps and statistics of these beautiful localities of the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave.

Which is my place if I live in Atzalan?

Atzalan is a Municipality of 48397 inhabitants, placed in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave, with a fertility rate of 3.08 children per woman. 4.15% of the population migrated from outside the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave. 0.65% of the population is indigenous, 0.25% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

86.21% of the inhabitants of Atzalan are Catholic, 45.54% are economically active and, within this active population, 97.77% are employed. Additionally, 80.08% of the dwellings have piped water and 0.94% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Atzalan?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Atzalan and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Atzalan? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Atzalan through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Atzalan. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Atzalan. As an example, you can find towns and places around Plan de Arroyos.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Atzalan

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Atzalan:

Which is my place if I live in Atzalan?

Acatitán (274 inhabitants)
Agua Santa (90 inhabitants)
Aguilera (94 inhabitants)
Ahuateno (575 inhabitants)
Ahuatepec (324 inhabitants)
Alborada (3 inhabitants)
Almanza (598 inhabitants)
Alseseca el Chico (270 inhabitants)
Alseseca el Grande (252 inhabitants)
Arroyo Colorado (309)
Arroyo Frío (25)
Atenco (335)
Atzalan (2303)
Azotillo (308)
Barrancones (129)
Bernavés (109)
Buena Vista (193)
Buenos Aires (37)
Buenos Aires (23)
Cañada de Castilla (4)
Cerro de Barreras (183)
Cerro de San Francisco (139)
Cerro del Águila (13)
Cerro del Candelero (Huipanguillo) (129)
Chachalaca (390)
Chaparro Grande (242)
Chilacayote (101)
Cochota (372)
Colonia José Preza (162)
Colonias Pedernales (3312)
Copalillo I (412)
Copalillo II (El Palmar) (369)
Coronillo (74)
Coyomico (107)
Cruz Gorda (174)
Cuajilote (Filobobos) (2)
Cuatro Caminos (510)
Cuauhtémoc (413)
Cuauzapotitán (567)
Cueva Santa (426)
Díaz Mirón (64)
Dos Aguas (52)
El Anayal (95)
El Arenal (100)
El Avión (46)
El Azotal (641)
El Campamento (963)
El Cedral (6)
El Equimite (284)
El Fortín (223)
El Ingenio (21)
El Jardín (61)
El Mirador (78)
El Mirador (54)
El Mirador (16)
El Olmo (252)
El Olvido (286)
El Palmo (7)
El Pedrón (55)
El Pimiento (159)
El Pinal (117)
El Porvenir (19)
El Pozón (107)
El Progreso (413)
El Rincón (215)
El Río Bobos (El Filo) (19)
El Rodeo (185)
El Rodeo (47)
El Taconazo (93)
El Tesoro (258)
El Zapote (289)
El Zapote (-)
Huapotes (26)
Huatamimilo (140)
Ictzictic (584)
Independencia (433)
Ixcuícuitl (2)
Ixtatahuía (144)
Ixtoteno Sección Cuarta (Casa Blanca) (1)
Javier Rojo Gómez (Novara) (600)
La Agraria (41)
La Cascada (7)
La Chivería (111)
La Concepción (87)
La Cuadrada (61)
La Esperanza (2)
La Estrella (-)
La Florida (664)
La Fortuna (156)
La Laguna (77)
La Laguna (53)
La Laja (2)
La Loma (216)
La Morera (15)
La Noria (Arrieral) (224)
La Palma (165)
La Poza (-)
La Punta (27)
La Reforma (147)
La Soledad (4)
Lagartos (110)
Las Delicias (-)
Las Trojas (23)
Las Vegas (-)
Loma Alta (24)
Loma Alta (4)
Loma Bonita (156)
Loma de las Flores (233)
Loma del Galón (12)
Loma del Rayo (215)
Los Pilares (30)
Macuiltepec (235)
María García (293)
María Soledad (38)
Martínez y Martínez (103)
Martha Ruiz (-)
Martinica (329)
Mirador I (2)
Mirador II (57)
Miramar (180)
Moyota (125)
Nanzolco (85)
Napoala (761)
Naranjal (77)
Naranjillo (489)
NCPE General Emiliano Zapata (33)
Norberto Aguirre Palancares (229)
Ojo de Agua (65)
Olopiota (414)
Pahua Hueca (1249)
Palmarcillo (578)
Papalocuautla (252)
Peñas de Almanza (441)
Petoloya (50)
Petoloya II (35)
Piedra Grande (202)
Piedra Pinta (15)
Pilares (458)
Pino Solo (39)
Pinolillo (67)
Pitalillo (11)
Plan de Arroyos (3387)
Plan de la Luz (72)
Plan de las Ánimas (130)
Plan de Limón (125)
Pochotita (122)
Pompeya (1000)
Portezuelo (-)
Rancho Nuevo (280)
San Vicente (4)
San Antonio (296)
San Bartolo (175)
San Carlos (-)
San Isidro (329)
San Isidro (El Barranco) (367)
San Javier (6)
San José (32)
San Miguel (22)
San Pedro Altepepan (284)
San Pedro Buenavista (351)
San Salvador (316)
Santa Cruz (256)
Santa Elena (121)
Santa Rosa (El Edén) (176)
Santa Teresa (12)
Santiago (1125)
Santo Domingo (Arroyo Negro) (475)
Seis de Mayo (300)
Sierra Alta (14)
Sompazol (198)
Tacocuautla (158)
Tallohuaya (189)
Tamolotes (159)
Tatempa (209)
Tatzallanala (280)
Tazolapa (254)
Tepanapa (5)
Tepantepec (241)
Tepelxilota (5)
Tepetzintla (173)
Tepeycan (264)
Texcapa (230)
Tierra Nueva (1151)
Tilzapota (461)
Tinajas (164)
Tlacolula (381)
Tomata (Anexo Pilares) (380)
Toxtepec (305)
Toxtixtaca (35)
Tres de Mayo (53)
Vega de la Peña (-)
Vega del Río de San Pedro (245)
Vista Hermosa (295)
Vivero Citrícola El Arenal (2)
Xampolco (74)
Xicotes (116)
Xilita (11)
Xiocuilapa (204)
Xochtita (43)
Xontaxpan (144)
Zapotal (450)
Zapote Redondo (326)
Zapotitlán (913)

Other towns, colonies, districts and neighborhoods in the Municipality of Atzalan:

Here you hare more Municipalities in the State of Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave