Municipality of Villagrán

Get to know deeply all the information of the municipality of Villagrán through its towns. We have registered the smallest, with hardly any inhabitants, and even those with the largest population, such as Villagrán, General Lucio Blanco, or Garza Valdez.

Get access to all the statistics, maps, and photos of the beautiful towns of the State of Tamaulipas by browsing the list at the bottom.

Which is my place if I live in Villagrán?

Villagrán is a Municipality of 6316 inhabitants, placed in the State of Tamaulipas, with a fertility rate of 3.21 children per woman. 31.22% of the population migrated from outside the State of Tamaulipas. 0.19% of the population is indigenous, 0.09% of the inhabitants speak one indigenous language, and 0.00% speak that indigenous language, but not Spanish.

86.29% of the inhabitants of Villagrán are Catholic, 42.65% are economically active and, within this active population, 96.03% are employed. Additionally, 88.78% of the dwellings have piped water and 3.04% have Internet access.

Which are the villages with the highest number of inhabitants of the municipality of Villagrán?

We have been analysing all the demographic data of Villagrán and in the following four towns live the largest number of people:

Interested in learning more statistics about Villagrán? Click on this link. Moreover, you can access a nice map of Villagrán through the following link.

Access maps, population data and history of the municipalities of Villagrán. We have a complete list of all the places and towns of the municipality of Villagrán. As an example, you can find towns and places around Villagrán.

>>>Map with all the towns inside the municipality of Villagrán

List with all the towns in the Municipality of Villagrán:

Which is my place if I live in Villagrán?

Alonso González Olazarán (4 inhabitants)
Álvaro Obregón (60 inhabitants)
Bella Vista (Rancho Nuevo) (- inhabitants)
Benito Juárez (Encinos) (27 inhabitants)
Brígido Maldonado (42 inhabitants)
Campoamor (120 inhabitants)
Candelario Reyes (Amado García Silva) (2 inhabitants)
Candelario Reyes (La Boquilla) (11 inhabitants)
Candelario Reyes (La Esperanza) (3 inhabitants)
Candelario Reyes (La Noria) (20)
Candelario Reyes (La Palma) (4)
Candelario Reyes (San José) (65)
Candelario Reyes (San Miguel) (12)
Cerritos (49)
Cerritos (La Navidad) (2)
Chupaderos (3)
Colonia Ampliación Cuauhtémoc (-)
Conrado Castillo (-)
Dueñas (9)
El Arcabuz (1)
El Breve (23)
El Ciprés (5)
El Consuelo (-)
El Coyote (-)
El Ebanito (4)
El Espinazo (-)
Charcos el Faro (61)
El Indio (-)
El Limón (42)
El Llano (Conrado Castillo) (2)
El Lobo (3)
El Mesteño (San Juanito) (3)
El Milenio (2)
El Nacimiento (2)
El Oro (4)
El Palmarito (3)
El Paraíso (1)
El Paraíso (Las Paguas) (4)
El Peñeño (4)
El Pedregal (-)
El Picacho (Toros Salvajes) (3)
El Porvenir (La Esperanza) (-)
El Progreso (-)
El Refugio (11)
El Salado (-)
El Saucito (11)
El Tambor (-)
El Tejedeño (María Dolores) (1)
El Texano (2)
El Triángulo (17)
Estación Microondas La Rosita (3)
Fracción Ejidal Guadalupe Victoria (4)
Francisco Villa (16)
Garza Valdez (419)
General Jesús Carranza (Sabinitos) (196)
General Lucio Blanco (491)
General Manuel Ávila Camacho (2)
Gilberto Cantú Tamez (-)
Guadalupe (2)
Guadalupe de San Lázaro (Guadalupe) (345)
Guadalupe Victoria (270)
Hacienda el Porvenir (Ciento Diez) (-)
Hacienda el Porvenir (El Chepito) (-)
Hilario Casanova Vega (2)
Irma González Flores (1)
Isidro Pérez Paz (Los Álamos) (1)
Jesús García (2)
Jesús González Ortega (139)
José María Morelos (San Juan) (122)
Juan Rincón (El Sabinal) (36)
La Alberquita (-)
La Boquilla (-)
La Brisa (2)
La Chorrera (12)
La Crucita (San Francisco) (-)
La Cruz (-)
La Esperanza (16)
La Esperanza (-)
La Esperanza (2)
La Independencia (-)
La Majada (Enedino Pineda Barrera) (2)
La Natividad (Silos) (-)
La Noria (-)
La Nutria (26)
La Palmita (5)
La Paz (1)
La Paz (3)
La Peña (49)
La Peregrina (3)
La Providencia (Rancho Nuevo) (5)
La Puente (La Marina) (1)
La Purísima (2)
La Purísima Floreña (111)
La Retama (-)
La Rosita (11)
La Soledad (21)
Lampacitos (14)
Las Cruces (1)
Las Lajitas (2)
Las Lajitas (Lajitas de los Hernández) (10)
Las Lajitas (Las Lajitas de los González) (-)
Las Palmas (5)
Las Parritas (-)
Liberación Campesina (33)
Lomita Blanca (-)
Loreto (3)
Los Álamos (-)
Los Buentello (1)
Los Charcos (132)
Los Encinos (4)
Los Laureles (7)
Los Novillos (1)
Los Olivos (-)
Los Ramírez (1)
Los Reyes (-)
Los Reyes (6)
Los Reyes (Olegario Iracheta Reyes) (3)
Los Vergeles (7)
Magüiras (2)
Magdaleno Aguilar (49)
Marte R. Gómez (Patol) (210)
Matamoritos (4)
Mártires del Agrarismo (3)
Miguel Hidalgo (132)
Morterios (Conrado Castillo) (2)
Neftalí Estrella Almaguer (1)
Nicolás Flores (Barretas) (3)
Ojo de Agua (2)
Palapa el Rancho (-)
Parianes (3)
Pascual Orozco (35)
Punta del Cerro (1)
Ranchería Juárez (Juárez) (100)
Rancho 27 (-)
Rancho Viejo (San Salvador) (2)
Redención del Campesino (91)
Roque Garza (-)
Rosina (-)
San Agustín (-)
San Antonio (-)
San Antonio (11)
San Antonio de Arriba (1)
San Fausto (Vacas Bravas) (-)
San Francisco (13)
San Francisco (6)
San Francisco de Quiroga (-)
San Gerardo (2)
San Ignacio (-)
San José (-)
San Juanito (2)
San Juanito (San Juan) (-)
San Lázaro (166)
San Marcos (-)
San Pablo (1)
San Ramón (San Ramón de los Cabrera) (7)
San Ramón Kilómetro 812 (San Ramón de los Ibarra) (-)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Elena (-)
Santa Fe (11)
Santa Lucía (-)
Santa Lucía de Abajo (8)
Santa María (31)
Santa Rosa (-)
Santa Rosa (-)
Santa Rosa (Francisco Herrera Zárate) (2)
Santa Teresa (5)
Setenta y Siete (-)
Trece de Febrero (2)
Treviño (2)
Veintiuno de Enero (12)
Villagrán (1244)
Viveros (-)

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